An Open and Affirming Congregation

 Chimes ~ April 2019




115 South Main St.
PO Box 913
Wolfeboro NH 03894
(603) 569-1555

The Rev. Gina Finocchiaro
Senior Minister
cell: (207) 239-7796 
home: (603) 515-0066

Krista Marschner
Office Administrator
Andy Campbell
Music Director

Dan Flaucher



Office Hours

Tuesday & Wednesday
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

9:00 am - 3:00 pm


10:00 am Worship 
at 115 South Main Street 
Our traditional worship service in our beautiful sanctuary. This service will be one with music and choirs, a children's message and church school.  

Watch our Worship Services 

Wolfeboro Community Television Channel 25

Sundays:  9:00 am,  3:00 pm, 
9:00 pm

YouTube Channel
Site URL: 


4/1 - Maggie Harwood
4/3 - Al Joncas
4/6 - Judi Gosbee
4/15 - Gary & Judi Gosbee (Anniversary)
4/17 - Calvin Hayford
4/18 - Priscilla Lenox
4/20 - Michelle Dodge
4/24 - Jennifer Sorcinelli
4/25 -  Carol Nupp
4/27 - Gail Johnson
4/29 - Helen Fernald
Not on the list? Our database is incomplete and we need your help! 
Please send your date of birth (you don't have to send the year), anniversary dates and any special announcements that you would like to let your church family know about. 
PLEASE call or email the Church Office with the information. Call 569-1555 or email


Congratulations are extended to Elaine Anderson and Bill Sharp who were married on Sunday, March 17th at their new home church  First Church of Monson, UCC.

Dear Friends,
I have struggled to find the right words to express my gratitude for the wonderful send off I received after worship on Sunday (3/17/19). Thank you for the beautiful flowers and gift certificate to Butternuts. The choir did an amazing job on my favorite Lenten anthem, and we sang some of my favorite hymns. And, of course, that cake! :) It was beautiful and delicious!
While I will miss seeing all of you each week, you will certainly see Diane and me around town. And, I have no doubt that Andy and I will find a way to collaborate on special projects in the future. 
Thank you most of all for the honor of serving with you these past 4+ years. It has been a pleasure!

Dear Gina, Andy, Cathy and Choir,
How wonderful for us to have our mother's memorial service filled with the genuine warmth and gifts of those who meant so much to her. From the minister's meaningful words... to the lovely music offered by those with whom Mom had so enjoyed singing and performing... the service touched our family deeply. We are so grateful.
Please also extend our thanks to Corinne Brown and her kitchen crew for ordering, setting up and serving such a great assortment of food for the reception; ushers Karen Hardy, John Brooks, and Margi Nelson; and Meg Geoghegan, who waited so patiently for us to depart at the end of the afternoon!
The kindness and care we felt from you all helped lift us up on a very emotional day.
In gratitude,
The family of Amy Jones

Do you have family news you wish to share with our faith community in the chimes? Let Krista know.


If your child is interested in a summer camp experience think about Horton Center, the NH Conference UCC outdoor ministry! 

Tim Hughes, the interim director of Horton Center will be at FCCW on Saturday, April 27th at 5 pm to share some stories about camp, sing some songs and host a pizza party. If you are interested and plan to come, please RSVP to Gina by noon on Saturday, April 27th. All are welcome and families are encouraged to come together!

Located outside of Gorham, NH, on 100 acres covering the top of 2,400 foot tall Pine Mountain Horton Center offers programs that may include hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, intermixed with reminders of God´s presence and activity in our lives... finding the presence of God in the beauty and inspiration of the natural world, in community, in scripture, prayer, and within one another.

If you want to learn more or register, click on this link. 
FCCW has camp scholarships and would be happy to help send one or more of our youth to camp! Please contact Krista for a current application.


The Adult, Youth, and Bell Choirs practice each week and are excited to share their music with you!
All groups meet in the sanctuary.
Bell choir from 7:00 - 8:30 pm 

Adult choir from 7:00 - 8:30 pm 

New members are always welcome for all our choirs! Please contact Andy ( for more information.


Would you like to donate flowers for the cancel in the sanctuary?

Consider donating a flower arrangement for the beauty of the sanctuary at Sunday service. You may give it in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or holiday. You make take the arrangement home after worship or have a deacon deliver it to a shut in. Please call the office or Gayle Gosselin at 493-5390 or for more information.

Members of our congregation's prayer chain receive prayer requests by confidential email. Anyone wishing to participate who does not use email may receive a phone notification. 

To join: Call or email Krista at the FCCW office

To request prayer: Call or email Nancy Harwood (603-344-2752 or email


Do you knit? Do you crochet? Would you like to learn? Come and sit with us, every
3rd Friday from 10:00 - 11:30 am, as we make prayer shawls for members and friends of FCCW and lap robes for veterans in Hospice. Beginners and advanced knitters are welcome!
For more information please contact Corinne Brown at (603) 569-0029 or Dotti Kay at (603) 569-6467
The next Prayer Shawl group will meet on Friday, April 19th at FCCW in the 3rd Level gathering space.


The Batik Boutique group will be meeting on
Friday mornings in the chapel on the 2nd level  from 
9:30 - 1:00 pm.


Anyone interested in joining our group can call, Meg Geoghegan at 569-4886. 


New members are always welcome! No beading experience required and sewers with machines welcome too.



If you are willing to "host" a coffee hour, please select a Sunday of your choice and sign up at the at the back of the sanctuary. Food is optional! If you are unfamiliar with the church kitchen and would like some assistance, please speak with a member of the Family Care Board. (Peggy Carlson, Peg Crawford, Karen Hardy, Patsy MacCabe, Phyllis Schamber) 


Want to get more involved in church life? 

Ushering or leading worship are great ways to help our church. Ushering is fairly simple and requires little more than arriving early on the Sunday you're serving. Leading worship requires only a few minutes of your time during the service. Generally, ushers serve about four times a year, but there is no requirement for frequency. Whatever fits your schedule would be helpful.

If you think this might fit your schedule, contact 
Bruce McCracken


If you are interested in donating food to the LIFE Ministries Food Pantry or "End 68 Hours of Hunger" please place your food in the donation box or wagon by the foyer door (parking lot side). 

LIFE Ministries Food Pantry is looking for non-perishable food items

End 68 Hours of Hunger is looking for peanut butter, jelly, canned pasta, chicken noodle soup, macaroni, fruit in plastic cups, granola bars, cereal, tuna, pop tarts, horizon chocolate milk, and peanut butter crackers 

 GWAVCoop is looking for granola bars, apples, fruit cups, and other individually packaged healthy snacks.

Thank you!


The Rev. Gina M. Finocchiaro

I have started looking at gardening catalogs. Even though I cannot see beneath the snow in my yard, I have started to imagine what to plant this season. This morning I was dreaming of foxglove and delphinium, dahlias and peonies. I began to consider what color I wanted to feature in the pots on my back deck, and then started thinking about the return of the hummingbirds and the bird-song that fills my backyard on summer nights just before dusk. 

Even amidst ice pellets dropping from the sky and heavy-as-water-to-shovel snow, the chickadees and nuthatches have found their way in flurry to my suet feeder. I have already exchanged some "Beware! The bears are out early this year" greetings with friends. All sure signs that spring has indeed come, though I cannot yet bear to put away my puffy coat and L.L. Bean boots. 

In truth, I often look to nature to tell me again the story of our faith, and its promises. As we inch closer to Holy Week, the most intense (in several ways) part of our faith narrative, the crucible seems all that I can see. Just like life and the living of it. The stress and never-ending list of things-to-be-done is loud.

We seek pleasure. We avoid pain. We can more easily pick out the fleeting moments of contentment from our day, because they are rare. The thinking and planning disease consumes most of our brain, most easily. Even when the planning is for beauty and good things, it can overwhelm, and we can forget to relish the only thing we have: this moment. 

So, as Easter draws near... and birdsong swells, and the ground thaws (fingers crossed!), plant to your heart's content. Whether they are flowering annuals, or persistent perennials- in metaphor or deed- sow some seeds. Find a way to present in the tilling, the planting and the waiting. Content in the immediate moment, with as much loving-kindness for yourself as you attempt to give away to others. 

All suffering passes away. New life comes unexpectedly so. 
Take joy, in this moment.

Pastor Gina


Maundy Thursday, April 18,  
7:30 pm 
This service will include the office of tenebrae, when scripture passages are read in decreasing light by the deacons, as well as communion, and special music from the adult choir.

Good Friday, April 19
Ecumenical Worship
12:00 noon  
All Saints Episcopal Church
The noon service will be a shared service with All Saints Episcopal Church and St. Katharine Drexel's Catholic Church. It will include scripture, music, and leadership from all three faith communities (Rev. Gina, Rev. Bill Petersen, Fr. Cole and Deacon Hilton)

Easter Sunday, April 21st
Sunrise Service

5:30 am at Albee Beach
This will be a simple sunrise service, with a candle light vigil to welcome the light, and communion on the beach.

Intergenerational Worship, FCCW at 10:00 am 
This service is for everyone with Rev. Gina preaching,
music from the adult and bell choirs, a wind quintet, two original pieces composed by Andy Campbell, and communion. Nursery care available.
11:00 am Easter Egg Hunt 
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place following the 11:00 am worship. Meet on Brewster Field weather permitting. Bring your own Easter basket and snow boots if needed!

*A note about parking: We hope and expect that parking will be a challenge on Easter morning. Please park as far from the church as you are able and comfortable doing. We hope to welcome many visitors to Easter Worship, and it would be hospitable and welcoming to offer them a place to park on arrival!*

Lenten Devotionals

"Take Nothing With You" by the Still Speaking Writers Group is available in the back of the sanctuary. 


We need your help! Join members of the congregation on Saturday, April 13th at 9 am to help spruce up the grounds around the church for Easter. Bring a rake or tarp!


If you would still like to make an Easter prayer flag to decorate our sanctuary during Easter please contact Meg Geoghegan for a blank flag. You can paint, draw, or sew Christian symbols, joys, written prayers, thanksgivings, etc. on a blank flag. Take one home to decorate and bring back to the church before April 14th. 

One Great Hour of Sharing 

Every day, we are being bombarded with images, stories, news, and sounds of hardship and misery. When suffering is nearby, we can be present to help and comfort, yet when the suffering is far away and of great magnitude, it can seem overwhelming.

As the Apostle Paul wrote, "by the power at work within us" God is able to "accomplish abundantly more than we can ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20). "We are the agents of transformation that God uses to transfigure this world" (Archbishop Desmond tutu).
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) makes possible our presence and participation in relief efforts during difficult times, whether it be hunger, natural disasters, where water is scarce, or where basic needs of clothing and shelter are not met. The UCC's Wider Church Ministries has, with our support, the logistical expertise and resources to partner with local organizations around the world to address these issues.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed and powerless, we can feel empowered to show that Christ is present to help alleviate suffering.
Our youth have OGHS Special Offering boxes that can be filled and brought back on Easter Sunday. You can find extra boxes in the back of the sanctuary. 

"Just as you did to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).


Join us on Sunday, April 28th for New Member Sunday. We have several n ew members who will be received into membership during the 10 am worship service. 

The last new member class will be this coming Sunday,  April 14th from 11:15 am - 12:15 pm in the Quimby Room. 


Celebration Sunday 

Save the date! Celebration Sunday is on June 16th. If you or anyone in your family will be celebrating a graduation this spring/summer, please send the information to Krista at Graduates will be recognized and invited to come forward during worship though they need not be present to be recognized.

Bible Sunday

Please save the date for Bible Sunday, which will be held on our Celebration Sunday, June 16th! On this Sunday each year we present our third graders with a bible and pair them with an adult to be their bible mentor. We also present a bible to older youth in the congregation who have not yet received one.  If you have a student in your family, third grade or older who has not yet received a bible please contact Krista at

Camp Scholarships 

If you have a child who is interested in attending camp this summer and would like scholarship aid, please pick up your application from Krista, or it can be emailed by request

Sunday School 

We offer childcare in the nursery for babies and toddlers and church school classes for students in preschool through 12th grade from September through May. 

On the first Sunday of each month, all children are invited to participate in Youth Chapel - their own worship service, and then join their families for Communion. All other weeks the children will start in worship and after chancel steps will head to their classrooms with their teachers for the remainder of church. Youth will go to their classrooms after chancel steps.

PreK-Grade 2 - meets in the preschool room on the first level
Grades 3-6 - meets in the Chapel on the 2nd level 
Grades 7-12 - meets in 3rd level gathering space 



Grants are available for members of the church who are graduates of an accredited high school regardless of age, marital status, or sex. Grants will be awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in their pursuit of higher education. The educational fields will be considered in the following order of priority:

1. Christian Ministry
2. Christian Education
3. Health and Public Service
4. Other Educational Fields of Study. 

Applications are available by email upon request. Applications are due before 10 am on Sunday, June 2nd.


A time of sharing and community for parents and children of varying ages. The playgroup will meet 
Monday mornings at 9:30 am in the Nursery. The group will generally meet weekly taking the school calendar into consideration. 

If you know a parent who might enjoy fellowship with other parents during this time frame, please invite them to come to the group!


Pastors Gina & Bill Peterson (from All Saints Episcopal) and Maria Found (from Brewster Academy) have launched a service-focused, social-justice centered youth group for students in grades 7 through 12. We are determined to be ecumenical (and happy to be interfaith, if you bring friends from other traditions!), welcoming, useful and inspired. 

Our next gathering will be on April 28th to pack meals for the Food Pantry. We will gather at All Saints Church, 258 South Main St, in the fellowship hall at 2pm and then again May 12th at First Congregational Church from 2 - 4pm to make dinner for families at Hope House...

Bring friends! All are welcome!


Join Pastor Gina and Pastor Bill from All Saints on Tuesdays for discussion and sharing around a common read. We will meet each week (with some exceptions), from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Gathering Space at FCCW, 115 S. Main St. We will spend a few weeks on each book that we read.   All are welcome! 

The book for April is A Tangled Mercy by Jordan Lake  and will be discussed on 4/9, 4/16, and 4/23. 

Future Books:  
The Immortalists  by Chole Benjamin on 5/7, 5/14, and 5/21. 


Dinner Bell is a program that offers a free meal at All Saints Church on Thursdays at 5 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help every 2nd week of the month from 3:00 - 6:00 PM. 

We need 2 people to setup, serve, and clean up. You can call the church office for more information. 569-1555 or email Krista at

Dates to consider - 5/9 & 6/13
Sign up at the back of the sanctuary. Please sign up!


Saturday, April 27, 2019  
1:30 PM
Installation of Reverend Gordon M. Rankin, NHCUCC Conference Minister

We are looking for help to make small finger desserts (i.e. cookies, brownies, bars) for during the reception following the installation and a few volunteers to help clean up around 4 pm. If you can help please contact Peg Crawford at

Thursday, May 16, 2019 
NHUCC Clergy Day

FCCW is once again excited to host NH clergy from around the state on Thursday, May 16th for their annual meeting! It is a great day to showcase our building and hospitality.  The meeting will run from 9:00 am-3:00 pm in the sanctuary and gathering space on the 2nd level. 

The Family Care Board is coordinating refreshments for this event and need some assistance from the Church family! We will be providing a continental breakfast and lunch for approximately  50 attendees. Volunteers are needed to prepare baked goods (i.e. muffins, bread, coffee cake) for the morning, large salads for lunch, and finger desserts (i.e. cookies, brownies, bars) following lunch. In addition, we could use a couple of volunteers to assist us during the day. If you can help us, please sign up in the Gathering space at the back of the sanctuary starting on 4/28/19. Thank you in advance for your support! Contact Phyllis Schamber for more information


Are you interested in helping out as a liaison for outside groups using our sanctuary? We are in need of a few volunteers to call upon to be the official FCCW member at the church for outside groups. 

It would include unlocking/locking up the building, turning on/off lights, possibly turning on the sound/getting microphones ready, be around to answer questions, and free admittance to the event! We are happy to train you. 

If you are interested please contact Krista at


Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice coordinator Dan Kusch and Pastor Gina are offering several different types of support groups this upcoming late winter/spring. All the support groups are free of charge and will meet at FCCW. To register for the group, learn about specific dates, times, locations and/or more information, please call or email Dan Kusch, 
Phone: 603-569-2729 or 

Living with Grief - Offers adults a weekly space to connect, to learn about grief, discuss ways of coping with loss, and gain support of others in a safe, caring environment. Meets for 7 weeks on Wednesdays starting May 8th, 6 - 7:30 pm. 

Next Step - Offers participants of our past grief support groups an opportunity to continue to connect and share ongoing support. Meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 4 pm in the Quimby Room. Next meeting will be on May 14th. 

Parent's Circle - Grief Support for parents who have lost children at any age to any circumstance or reason. All are welcome. We encourage you to come as individuals or together. We will meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Quimby Room. Next meeting will be on May 14th.


In 2018 Church World Service distributed over 174,000 CWS blankets to those in need worldwide. Blankets bring comfort, warmth and protection to those affected by natural disasters, dangerously cold weather and homelessness including refugees and migrants. 

The Hurricane Relief: Fall 2018 responded to victims of Hurricanes Florence and Michael. Thanks to the support of generous congregations across the U.S. CWS has had plenty of supplies and blankets to make sure that our neighbors can face the road to recovery with a little more peace of mind. 

Your $10 donation will provide one blanket to a person in need, however donations are not required to be in multiples of $10. In honor of Mother's Day, please consider making a donation to the blanket program with cash or check payable to: FCCW with a memo of CWS Blanket Program. Please visit the table at the back of the sanctuary before and after worship on 5/5 & 5/12. If you would like to donate in memory or honor of a mother in your life, inserts will be provided to include in your personal Mother's Day card. Thank you for your love and support for those in need.  


Dear Faith in Action Committee,

Thank you for designating Starting Point as the beneficiary of your annual drive.  Your support makes a difference!  You support allows us to provide essential items to survivors of domestic & sexual violence throughout Carroll County each year.   Thank you for your continued commitment in supporting our work and supporting survivors throughout Carroll County. 

We are so grateful for your commitment! From all of us at Starting Point, Thank you!


The FCCW photo website is now up to date. Click on the link
FCCW Church Photos to access. Please note that this is a new and better link. When you get to the site you will notice that there are seven albums by topic.

Photos of general church services
  Baptisms, Communion
Children in the Service:
   Chancel Steps, Children's Choir, acolytes, other activities involving the children
  Adult Choir, Bells, Children's Choir, musicians
Events:  Gifts of Hope, Pageant, New Pulpit  Sunday , new members, Gina to Leah transition, Easter (Resurrection  Sunday ), etc.
Photos that don't fit into a specific category. There is a church tour there
Old to new Church: 
Photos of our change from the old church to the new church

The photos are arranged from new to older so that you do not have to search for the newest ones. The only disadvantage to that is that church service slide shows on a specific date will run backwards. Each album can be viewed as a separate slideshow, If you save this link you can view updates as they happen. I will update periodically.

Bruce McCracken