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A.   INTRODUCTION ... Jesus realizes his earthly life and ministry are ending so there's urgency to what he says and does. After two years of popularity based on his unique teachings and inspiring miracles, the heat is on. Opposition is growing, along with that popularity. To prepare his disciples to take leadership, he sent them to villages without him, challenging them to preach and call upon God's power. He presses the disciples to declare their understanding of him, leading Peter to proclaim Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. Step by step, together they are getting closer to the flame... and beyond.

B.  TODAY, ... Luke 9:22-35.

C.  SUMMARY ... With Peter's strong statement of faith, Jesus ups the ante. He needs them to be ready for what's ahead. In blunt terms he tells his followers that they are going to Jerusalem where he will be rejected by leaders, killed and resurrected. He follows that with an equally blunt outline of what it means to be Christlike: "deny" oneself, to "pick up your cross daily", and to follow him wherever that leads. Jesus then takes his three key disciples, Peter, James, and John, up a mountain. While there Jesus is "transfigured" and joined by MOSES and ELIJAH, and God's voice fully endorses Jesus.

  1. 2018: following Jesus, still touch. Jesus knew that his approach to religion (and God) would upset enough apple carts to get him killed AND that his followers would face equal danger, from persecution to martyrdom. He was right. Christianity as a way of life should affect every aspect of daily life. How you talk with people, how you conduct business, how you face the tough issues of our world, how you interact with anyone, how you speak up or stand up, should be Christlike. And we fail, try again. And some folks won't like it. In olden times your "Christlikeness" could get you killed. Nowadays if could lose you popularity or votes or friends. And in half the world, it could cost life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet Jesus calls us forward with a stark warning: this is serious. No half measures. Just consider a few of Jesus' famous teachings: Love your neighbor as yourself, love your enemies, forgive 70 time 7, blessed are the peacemakers, turn the other cheek. Try those for a week. Or a day. Or an hour.
  2. ?????? TransfigurWHAT? William Barclay calls Jesus' transfiguration the most significant event in Jesus' ministry. It is a miraculous, mysterious, supernatural, and utterly holy experience. "Transfiguration" literally means to change the figure, the appearance, and on that mountain Jesus' face took on a new appearance and his clothing shined brightly. It was like a bombastic prelude to a great concert that announces, "something amazing is about to happen". The happening was the surprise appearance of Judaism's greatest leaders: Moses and Elija. Symbolically they represented the LAW and the PROPHETS, the heart of Judaism. As if to say, if they stand with Jesus he is surely the ONE. This, plus God's statement "this is my Son. Listen to him," gives Jesus a clear endorsement of who he is, what he has to do, and why. There's no turning back. On to the cross.
  3. BONUS Key Point. Barclay says the transfiguration clears roots of Jesus in Judaism. And maybe if Christians understood that we could rid ourselves of anti-semitism once and for all. Are you willing to read my short-story "Jesus at Auschwitz" if we email the link to you? Or mail a hard copy to you? And talk it over with someone? Let us know if you'd like a copy.
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