February 2021
What Does Habitat Mean To You?
I have had the pleasure over the past several years of being a part of Habitat as a volunteer, board member, and now staff member. In one respect, Habitat is a very simple idea – give people a hand up through affordable, high quality housing. But the other thing I’ve discovered is that our community – the volunteers, board members, staff, and homeowners – is composed of a diverse set of people who each have their own take on that relatively simple idea. 

We’d love to hear – and then highlight on our website, newsletter, and social media – what Habitat means to you? Why are you a part of this organization? 

Do you have a meaningful quote, photo, or thought about what Habitat means to you? Email laura@habitatme.org.

John Shumadine
Interim Executive Director   

"It's very rewarding knowing that everything I do during my workday is inevitability helping to build or repair a home for someone in our community who needs it." ReStore Driver Ben on what Habitat means to him.
Going Virtual
Springtime is typically a busy one for Habitat events. Since we can't gather for walks and runs like we usually do, our events are going virtual this year.
The Irish Road Rover 5K, which typically attracts hundreds of runners to the Old Port, will be completely virtual this year for safety reasons. Run the course on your own any time from now until March 18. Registration is only $20 until February 15! Register now!
The Good Friday Walk is now the Springtime Community Walk. We will have registration details soon, but this new form of the walk allows walkers to fundraise, enter to win prizes, and get out for some exercise, all while staying safe and socially distanced. Look for more soon!
Welcome Carson!
We are very happy to welcome Carson Davis to our team as an AmeriCorps Construction Leader! He is eager to use his experience in carpentry to start his career in community development. Born and raised in Maine, Carson is glad to be working with the local community for a mission he is passionate about.

Learn more below about how you can join our AmeriCorps team below!
Work with Us as an AmeriCorps Construction Leader!
For one year, you can get paid to build sustainable solutions in our community, gain valuable hands on experience, and prepare for your future. This full-time AmeriCorps service position offers a great opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of others while building your own knowledge and skillset.

AmeriCorps National members serve the community in direct service and capacity building activities.
ReStore Update
We received a HUGE donation of brand-new lighting fixtures. Everyday we are updating the stock, so stop by often to look for new deals!

Our ReStore, located at 659 Warren Avenue in Portland, is open Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00-5:00. Keep up with us by following our facebook page!

Interested in donating items? Click here for a list of acceptable items, and bring them by during operating hours. Want to schedule a pick-up? Call 207-221-0047 for more information.
Thank You to our Core Partners!
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland
659 Warren Avenue
Portland, ME 04103
(207) 772-2151 / info@habitatme.org