May 2019
The Doctor is in!
Long travel. Short stay. Worth it every time. 
I just returned from a trip to Kamonkoli. Getting to visit with Mama Katherine, Pastor Charles, Bumba, Christine, Michael, Laura, and the rest of the HUM team is always such a blessing. I feel so privileged to know them and have the opportunity to serve God alongside them. 
The primary purpose of my trip was to install an electronic medical record for the Holmes Medical Clinic (HMC). The clinic was opened about 7 years ago and through the years has grown in numbers, space, and scope. Accurate record keeping is so important and we were recently blessed with the opportunity to have an electronic record keeping system to replace the handwritten notebook system we had been relying on. 
The staff of the HMC were eager to try out the new system. We had the system up and going in just a couple of days and the staff took to it very quickly making training easy!   As with any new system there were a few kinks to work out. With the network we quickly realized the need for backup power so the system could work during the not infrequent power outages. We were able to solve this problem with a backup solar power system! 
The hope is that the electronic medical record system will help us better accomplish our mission of making the name of Jesus known in Uganda by providing quality medical care.  

Our Holmes Medical Clinic is serving many of the impoverished of the Kamonkoli
community that would not otherwise receive vital medical treatment in a clean, safe
facility with knowledgeable and caring medical staff. With this service comes much
need for maintaining and updating medical equipment. We are grateful that we
recently received financial gifts to build an incinerator to properly dispose of
medicines and other medical supplies that require proper disposal as well as gifts for
the records computers and system. As Dr. Holmes mentioned in his letter, we have
frequent power outages and a small solar backup system is helping keep the record
system running during these times. However, more is really needed. Refrigeration
for our medicines as well as proper lighting to use during treatment and power for our
laboratory equipment is also much needed and cannot be satisfied with the simple solar backup. A backup generator to help with these needs as well as for our Genesis School kitchen refrigeration and fans for our classrooms would be a blessing for all of the ministry happening in these buildings. Thank you to Platte Canyon Community Church in Bailey, CO for their generous gift toward this $12,000 need. Further funds are needed to help meet this need. Please send a check with the coupon below, give online at or text HUM to 41444.

Also while in Kamonkoli I had the opportunity to spend time with Michael Namai, the in charge medical officer at HMC, brainstorming some new initiatives we are very excited about. These include partnering with the government to provide immunizations for children and beginning a Women’s Health Program to address issues such as birth control and cancer screenings. 

I would be remiss if I did not mention getting to spend some time with Zahara, one of the children my wife, Jenn, and I sponsor. She reminds of the synergism between the clinic, the sponsorship program, and Genesis school.  I first met Zahara when she was
Dr. Holmes and Zahara
five. She was being raised by her aunt after being abandoned by both her mother and her father. Despite her aunt doing her very best, Zahara was suffering from severe malnutrition and anemia. Through the care she received at the clinic with vitamins and iron infusions, along with sponsorship that provided her with food and the opportunity to attend Genesis school, she is now thriving. The first time we met at the clinic three years ago Zahara made no eye contact and seemed to have no energy. When she came to visit me at the clinic this time, she literally ran and jumped into my arms.  She told me how she enjoys learning at school and playing with her
friends. My heart was full. 
Save the date -- September 21, 2019
We are so excited to be celebrating 20 years of ministry in Uganda this year, remembering all the things God has done with the help of so many of you to make such a profound difference in a community with little hope. Children have risen out of desperate situations to become contributing members and Godly leaders throughout their homeland. 
If you’ve missed our special short stories you can view them at our website,, by clicking on “ 20 Year Anniversary ” under Events on our homepage. Stay tuned for more meaningful stories throughout the year as we lead up to the Lakewood, CO celebration on September 21 st . Further celebrations are planned in Montrose, CO on September 28 and in Lancaster, PA the following week. 
See more and sign up to join us on that same 20 Year Anniversary event page. Consider sponsoring a table or the event to help us defray event costs and help all gifts at the event go to ministry needs. Also consider a special anniversary gift even if you are unable to attend one of our celebrations. 
The next generation of leaders!
Thinking Ahead?

Have you considered Hines Ugandan Ministries in your will and estate planning? Please let us know by indicating on the newsletter coupon when you send it in to us. There are several ways to leave a LEGACY through planned giving with your Life Insurance Policy, Retirement Plans, or a Bequest through your will. For more information, contact Barb at 303-885-7230.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa