School's out for summer!! That means it's the season of youth camps and the PURSUIT summer home series. Our recent graduates now begin going to the Connect Group led by Lynn Gandy. It meets at the top of the stairs on the Gap side of the church, first door on the left at the top of the stairs. The rest of the students will move up in August. Be on the lookout for information regarding our back-to-school Sunday morning breakfast.

Other than receiving these emails, follow me on Facebook or Instagram (@CraftRob) as ways to receive info regarding our LIT Student Ministry activities throughout the year.

You can also sign up for REMIND by texting the message @litstudent to the number 81010

In this newsletter...
  • Article(s)
  • Summer PURSUIT schedule
  • June Connect Group Plans
  • FUGE
  • Something To Talk About
  • Birthdays

Let me know if you have any questions about the LIT Student ministry at FBC Moultrie!

Rob Craft
Here's an article to read through when you get a chance.

Church While On Vacation?? - This is an article by a familiar face, Mr. Matt Peek! It's a quick read, but gives 8 reasons going to church on vacation is a good thing. Moment of family is awful about attending church while on vacation.
We'll begin our summer home series. We will have food, message (from a guest speaker) and fellowship at the houses when we meet. We will meet from 6:00-8:00PM

Please, pay careful attention to the dates that we won't meet as well.

Kenny & Janet Hammock's
130 Lee Lewis Road
Moultrie, GA 31768
*they do have a pool and a pond, so bring swimming clothes, towel and fishing gear if you'd like to*


Jim & Jill Matney's
2158 Kendallwood Church Road
Moultrie, GA 31768
*they do have a pool, so bring swimming clothes and a towel if you'd like to*

June Connect Group Plans
We're beginning a six-week look at Women Who Trusted God.

6/2/2019 - Rahab: Courageous Faith; Joshua 2:1-14

6/9/2019 - Deborah: Encouraging Faith; Judges 4:1-9 and 5:1-5

6/16/2019 - Hannah: Faith That Prays; 1 Samuel 1:1-2, 9-11, 17-18, 26-28 and 2:1-3

6/23/2019 - Abigail: Intervening Faith; 1 Samuel 25:2-3, 14-17, 23-28, 32-35

6/30/2019 - The Poor Widow: Faith That Gives; Luke 12:13-21 and 21:1-4
It's almost time. Students, don't forget to pack your colors for rec, at least 2 pair of shoes/sandals (you'll need shoes for rec that you don't mind getting dirty and wet), toiletries, towels, spending money for two meals and the snack shop while at camp. I'll see you there!!

Y'all need to be in the GAP on Monday, June 10 by 8:30AM!!
After a two-year hiatus, we'll be heading back to North Greenville University for camp on July 8-13. We are going to have a student/parent meeting on Sunday June 16, 2019 right after church in the Gap.

  • What are some ways your family can pray for and be involved with VBS?
  • Going on vacation?? What Bible story can be tied to your trip (even if it's a little loosely)? Read and discuss the story/scripture.
  • What does it mean to be a leader?
June birthdays (let me know if I've missed anyone or have a wrong date)...

1st - Anna Brooke Rowley
2nd - Reese Moser
3rd - Daniel Durrence
9th - Carson Tyler
18th - Lilla Craft
21st - Karson Smith
24th - James Bledsoe
27th - Ada Craft
27th - Ava Kirbo
27th - Keaton Kirbo
27th - Nate Kirbo