"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
~ Romans 8:31b
Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate I, Bishop Jeffrey Grob, will visit OLBS this Sunday.
Bishop Grob will celebrate with OLBS at the 5pm Anticipated Liturgy (St. Julian), and the 10:30am Sunday morning Mass (Queen of the Rosary).
OLBS Welcomes Bishop Grob!
Bishop Jeffrey Grob was on vacation in Madison, Wisconsin, when he received the call from the apostolic nuncio telling him Pope Francis had named him a bishop.
When the nuncio asked if he would accept, Bishop Grob never thought to decline.
“In my life, many things have happened and I never would have chosen them, but they were put in my path and God brought me exactly to where I needed to be,” he said. “So in that moment I said yes.”
[Bishop Grob] was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1992.
He served in parishes as resident and assistant pastor at Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity Parish, Winnetka, from 1992 to 1998, and as a weekend assistant at St. Basil Parish in Ottawa, Ontario, from 1998 to 2002, while he was studying. He was dean of Deanery IV-D from 2008 to 2009 and pastor of St. Celestine Parish in Elmwood Park from 2008 to 2013.
He has served the archdiocese in many, often simultaneous positions, including assistant chancellor from 1994 to 1998, judge on the Court of Appeals from 2003 to 2013, judicial vicar from 2013 to 2015, chancellor from 2015 to 2017, archbishop’s delegate to the Independent Review Board from 2010 to the present, archbishop’s liaison to lay ecclesial movements and new communities from 2015 to the time of his ordination and judicial vicar and vicar for canonical affairs from 2017 to the time of his ordination.
“He’s just a down-to-earth little old country boy from Cross Plains, Wisconsin, raised on the dairy farm. There’s no fluff with Jeff,” [Bonnie Grob, Bishop Grob's mother] said. “To him, I think the best place he wanted to be was just a plain old country parish priest. Just have his flock and have his parish.”
Lauretta Froelich has known Bishop Grob for many years through the Charismatic Renewal. Bishop Grob served as the cardinal’s liaison to the lay ecclesial movements and new communities, which includes the Renewal.
“Father Grob gently slid into place — despite all of his other important responsibilities for the church — and was always there to help us,” [Froelich] said. “He’s an encourager, he’s a builder-upper. He has a sense of who he is and whose he is, so he helps call that out of you.”
RSVP for Sunday Liturgies
RSVP for the Second Sunday of Lent is live February 24th at 7:00pm!
Additionally, with this First Sunday of Lent, the new Mass Schedule is in effect. Please check times below and in the signup. We look forward to seeing you in church!
Please note, attendance is limited and registration is required. Schedule as follows:
SJE Church, 5:00pm (Bishop Grob celebrates)
QR Church, 8:00am
SJE Church, 9:15am
QR Church, 10:30am (Bishop Grob celebrates)
QR Church, 10:30am Parking Lot (intended only for those with underlying medical conditions who are unable to join us in church at this time)
Last Sunday, the First Sunday of Lent, we added a parking lot option at the 10:30am Mass at QR. This option is restricted to those with underlying medical conditions, who, due to the ongoing pandemic are unable to join us in church at this time. Please select QR Parking Lot* on the SignUp and include the number in your car so that we know how many to expect. Park in the West lot in front of the steps and tune to the provided FM radio channel to listen to Mass on your car radio, or watch from your phone on our Facebook page. At Communion, an Extraordinary Minister will distribute the Holy Eucharist to guests in each car.
*In case of inclement weather, the parking lot option will not be available and we will do our best to contact you in advance of the 10:30am Mass.
Important Note: The following safety protocols continue to be enforced at ALL liturgies and in-person gatherings at both churches, parish centers and on parish grounds: face covering worn securely over nose and mouth, hands sanitized upon entry (and again prior to receiving Holy Communion), seating in marked areas only to respect social distancing, temperature checks for all events involving youth or food service and no congregating in church facilities including parking lots.
If in the previous 14 days you have traveled outside the state, experienced any cold or flu symptoms or have spent time with anyone experiencing symptoms, we ask out of an abundance of caution that you please stay home to help insure the safety of our parish family.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
Earlier this evening we prepped and packed meals to feed 120 PADS guests, up from 111 in January, who are being put up in local area hotels.
Due to the harsh winter conditions we've been experiencing through January and February, these numbers have continued to climb.
Fr. Dan, Fr. Louis, Dcn Jerry and the Social Outreach Ministry want to say thank you to OLBS for your generosity in pulling these Suppers together. A special thanks from the Suppers Subcommittee: Susie, Nancy, Marcia and Kris, "we couldn't do this without our generous parishioners!"
Calling All Teens, Take Mr. Van's Teen Lenten Challenge!
This week we visit the Third and Fourth Stations as we Walk the Way of the Cross with Jesus. Follow this link to read reflections on each Station as we journey through Lent.
This week's challenge is, "Reach out to someone you know who truly needs a friend, even if this person doesn’t
measure up to your, or your friends’, definition of “cool,” “awesome” or “chill” enough. Try to boost this person’s morale so they can continue on their journey the way our Lady boosted Christ’s strength to carry on!"
Week One, Mr. Van challenged, "Find someone this week who you know is unhappy or who you see suffering some physical or mental anguish and bring them something to brighten their day.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive, just meaningful."
Share photos and pics from the Teen Lenten Challenge on the YM Facebook page to help inspire others!
Join us in church to pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. each Friday during Lent. This Friday, February 26th, Stations will be prayed at St. Julian. For those still unable to join us, we will live-stream Stations of the Cross to our websites and Facebook pages.
OLBS Parish Lenten Mission:
Running the Paschal Mystery
This year’s Virtual Parish Lenten Mission, Running the Paschal Mystery with Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson, will challenge us to see the Paschal Mystery as Jesus’ invitation to participate fully in the rhythm of life and how living this rhythm leads us “into Christ.”
Rather than gathering in church, this year's Mission is a virtual event. But, as always, the program is free and begins nightly at 7:00pm. All OLBS parishioners are encouraged to join us as we pray our way to Easter from our homes, on March 8th, 9th and 10th.
Each Spring, Religious Ed families help to make Easter a little more memorable for local families in need. We hope to carry on the tradition this year. Please drop your donations in the marked collection bins in the St. Julian vestibule by March 19th.
Members of our Youth Group will assemble, wrap and help deliver baskets to Elk Grove Township before Holy Week. Most-requested items from the Easter Bunny this year:
- Plastic baskets
- Cellophane bags
- Grass
- Coloring books
- Crayons
- Small stuffed animals
- Bubbles
- Individually wrapped candy
- Chalk
- Small toys
- No used items please
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Webinar: Cycle of Violence
Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. For the month of February, Pope Francis' intention is: "We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded." As St. John Paul II stated in his encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, "Society as a whole must respect, defend and promote the dignity of every human person, at every moment and in every condition of that person's life.”
Please join us online on Sunday, February 28th at 7pm when the OLBS Domestic Violence Ministry welcomes Aimee Dinschel for the Webinar "Cycle of Violence." This virtual presentation will be an overview of domestic violence; which is, unfortunately, on the rise during the pandemic. The conditions created by COVID-19—unexpected time at home, unemployment and financial insecurity, anxiety and stress—are the same conditions known to aggravate domestic violence.
Follow this link to RSVP for the Webinar. No names or contact information will be displayed in the SignUp, and no information will be shared outside of this presentation.
Our presenter, Aimee Dinschel, has more than 15 years of experience as a social worker. She has worked in programs providing counseling and support to survivors of interpersonal violence. She will inform us about the power and control dynamics of abusive relationships, the cycle of violence, and review healthy relationship dynamics.
We may still be limited in gathering and need to keep our social distance for a little while longer, so we remind you that we have the following virtual tools to help us stay connected:
Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").
Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.
Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.
Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.
Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.
Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
2021 Annual Catholic Appeal
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, our primary concern is the spiritual and physical health and welfare of the faithful and all those who serve our parishes. We also recognize that we have a duty to care for those among us who are most vulnerable.
These dual concerns reflect everyone’s need for safety, while at the same time supporting those who need it most. While the financial circumstances of many families in our parish are uncertain, for those who are able we ask for your support of our Church. If you have not done so already, please consider signing up for online giving to the parish offertory and to the Annual Appeal.
While challenging days remain, we also recognize this opportunity to be truly present to one another and care for those who are struggling. May we continue to pray for all those affected by COVID-19, those who are caring for the sick and for each other.
As a reminder, this year, we hope that when we exceed our Appeal goal, the rebate funds will help us improve our sound and live-stream capabilities at Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard.
More than 100 ministers, including musicians and sacristans, make up our liturgical ministries. Liturgical Ministers assist our clergy in celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday and Holy Days. We are in process of scheduling Musicians, Lectors, Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion across our campuses. No matter which Mass you attend, in our churches or via live-stream, you're bound to see a familiar face. And don't forget to welcome and introduce yourself to our new companions on the journey as well!
We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
SJE Campus | 601 Biesterfield Road | (847) 956-0130
QR Campus | 750 W Elk Grove Blvd | (847) 437-0403