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May 30th, 2 019
My time on the mat with Rodney was rich in more than one way. He has a deep understanding, and seemingly never ending curiosity, of both the asana practice, pranayama practice and seated meditation. He continuously seeks to understand what the original teachers in India were looking to communicate in their teaching. I appreciate his earnest intention to question, explore and share the practice in his truly authentic way.

This coming Sunday I will head up to Kripalu for the week-long Yoga Nidra Conference. I am so looking forward to it. Please note that I will not be back to teach classes on Thursday the 6th. If you miss having class that week, simply email me about a possible make-up class Friday through Sunday.

June is a month full of family activities for many of us. My youngest son Miles is about to graduate from high school, such a milestone (yes, that is what he was named after!) in my eyes. For him, and for me as a parent. We will therefore be celebrating him at the end of the month. There are no classes on Sunday the 30th.

If this is a month full of extra activities and festivities for you, remember, it's up to you how much you take on. We all have to make choices continuously, so that we can actually enjoy what we choose to do, and not just get it over with.

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, 

there is the noble art of leaving things undone.

 The wisdom of life consists in the

 elimination of non-essentials."

Lin Yutang

I will offer 3  Thursday, Friday Saturday, and 4  Sunday classes in June.

Please note that classes are cancelled on Thursday the 6th and Sunday the 30th

Due to practical and personal reasons I have decided to resume the In-Depth workshops after the summer.



Lena Madsen Yoga
The Lotus Flower

The Lotus is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It has its roots in the mud, at the bottom of streams and ponds, but rises to bloom above the water without becoming wet or tainted by the mire below. It symbolically represents being fully grounded in earth, yet aspiring towards the divine. For thousands of years the Lotus has symbolized spiritual growth and self realization.