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May 2019


In this issue: Electric train party, new onboard signage, and construction updates


Caltrain and Stadler staff

May was an exciting time for electric train manufacturing! The first set of stairs was installed, and the first trailer bogie was assembled. A trailer bogie, also known as a trailer truck, is a unit that houses the wheels, axles, propulsion motors and brake equipment. 

While production of the electric trains has been occurring at Stadler's Salt Lake City plant for almost a year, the facility celebrated its completion with a grand opening ceremony in May. Caltrain GM and CEO Jim Hartnett (far left) and Chief Operating Officer, Rail Michelle Bouchard (second from left) helped cut the ceremonial ribbon with former Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, President and CEO of APTA Paul Skoutelas, Utah Lt. Governor Spencer Cox, Utah Governor Gary Herbert, Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski, President of the Stadler Rail Board of Directors and former CEO of Stadler Rail Group Peter Spuhler, Minister Counselor of Switzerland Daniel Freihofer, US Ambassador to Switzerland Edward McMullen, President of the Utah State Senate Stuart Adams, Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives Brad Wilson, Chairman of the Trinity Metro Board of Directors Scott Mahaffey, and President and CEO of Trinity Metro Bob Baulsir.
View more electric train pictures at


Electronic information signs inside the new electric trains.

Caltrain's new electric trains will bring improved service and better signage. Onboard digital signs will provide information on the service line, upcoming stops, connections, and final destinations. Caltrain riders will now have more information about their trip easily available. 

You can learn more about the benefits of Caltrain electrification at


Construction crew members work on large pole

Construction to make Caltrain a modern, electric commuter rail system continues! This month, crews continued installation of foundations as well as conduit along the corridor from South San Francisco to San Jose. Work was also performed on seven traction power facilities in San Jose, Redwood City, Sunnyvale and San Mateo. 
To sign up for weekly construction updates or for more construction information, visit  

Upcoming Events

Palo Alto Community Meeting
June 4, 2019, 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Rinconada Library, Embarcadero Room
1213 Newell Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303

JPB Board Meeting
June 6, 2019, 10:00 am
SamTrans Administrative Offices, Edward J. Bacciocco Auditorium
1250 San Carlos Ave, San Carlos, CA 94070

Local Policy Makers Group
June 27, 2019, 5:30 pm
SamTrans Administrative Offices, Edward J. Bacciocco Auditorium
1250 San Carlos Ave, San Carlos, CA 94070

For more details and a full list of upcoming meetings please visit

What Is CalMod?

The Caltrain Modernization Program (CalMod) includes electrification and other projects that will upgrade the performance, efficiency, capacity, safety and reliability of Caltrain's service. The current electrification project will electrify the corridor from San Francisco to San Jose and replace 75 percent of Caltrain's diesel service with high-performance electric trains, reducing air pollution and providing better service to more riders.