Powered by the Naples Senior Center at JFCS
Many Jewish overnight camps – are closing due to the coronavirus. If your child's camp season is cancelled, here are some tips for breaking the news.

Using found materials, this upcycled homemade treasure box helps keep wonderful little doodads contained. It is a summer art project itself and can help you practice bal tashchit , the Jewish value of not wasting.

Check out PJ Our Way’s picks for June! While shy Brianna worries about her upcoming bat mitzvah, kid detective Pinky Bloom is busy solving mysteries. Beni wants to be brave during the Yom Kippur War, and Curious George’s creators narrowly escape Europe during World War II. Themes of adventure, courage, friendship, and self-confidence abound this month. Remember to choose your book by June 10th!

The tween years aren’t easy for kids or their parents, especially not during a global pandemic. Read Carla Naumburg PhD's tips on maintaining calm in the home in the face of these uncertain times.