Wed, September 26
Leadership Council & NextStep Networking present 
Cyber Security 
for Your 


In the past, desktops, business applications, and critical infrastructure were all located behind the firewall. Today, more and more is happening off-network. More roaming users. More organization-owned laptops accessing the internet from other networks. More cloud apps, mean that users don't need to be on the organization's network to get work done. And more branch offices connect directly to the internet.
By 2021, Gartner predicts the average organization will have 25% of its data traffic bypassing the network perimeter. When a user is off-network, they are more vulnerable and the organization lacks visibility and protection. If you rely on perimeter security alone, you're not fully protected. These gaps open the door for malware, ransomware, and other attacks.
Learn how you can provide your organization with the first line of defense against threats on the internet wherever users go. Gain complete visibility into internet activity across all locations, devices, and users, and block threats before they ever reach your network or endpoints. You will have the ability to stop phishing and malware infections earlier, identify already infected devices faster, and prevent data exfiltration.
This network security event will include an overview presentation and risk assessment. Resources will be available during and after for any questions.

Daniel Lemire
Cisco Umbrella Security Manager
Waltham, Massachusetts 
Experience with network security (Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Firewall, VPN, and related technologies.
Event Details
 Wed, September 26th

 9:00am - 11:00am
 Green Diamond Gallery
 9366 Montgomery Road
 Cincinnati, OH 45242
 Parking Options:  
 A limited number of parking
 spots available on the street
 (Montgomery Road), near
 front door.   There is a
 parking garage behind the 
 building, entrance on Main
 Street.  There is a parking lot
 across the street from the
 entrance to the garage on
 Main St.

 Breakfast & Beverages 
 will be Provided

 Deadline to register is
 September 24th

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