Abounding in Hope- Creating Opportunities
Evan Aycock shares that despite being baptized, confirmed, and performing in musicals in the sanctuary, his most powerful religious experiences have been on mission trips in Washington, D.C. and rural Tenness ee.

Listen as he expresses gratitude for the opportunities our congregation creates for spiritual growth within and beyond the walls of UPC.
This year’s stewardship theme,  Abounding in Hope , is rooted in the words of Romans 15:13:
To learn more about this year’s Stewardship Campaign, please chat with one of the Stewardship Committee members listed below or
With deepest thanks for your prayerful consideration,

UPC 2020 Stewardship Committee:

Kelli Smith & Scott Smith, John & Leigh Anderson, Perry Aycock, Richard Duncan, Daphne Little, Nancy Oates, Naomi Sherry, Jenni Soccorso, Brian Vandersea, Bill Whisenant, and Ashley Wilson