
Thank you once again for joining us for our 8 th annual Safe Quiet Lakes Stakeholder's meeting on April 12 th. It was a great day of information sharing and dialogue about many boating issues and opportunities and we appreciate your participation.

Thank you also to our presenters, some of whom travelled a great distance to be with us in Muskoka. We have posted all of the presentations and a summary of the discussion online. You can view the files HERE.

The discussion was wide-ranging and thoughtful and will inform our activities this summer. Some of our immediate actions are:
  • Toolkit: We heard some great ideas for involving the community in safer boating practices. We are gathering these together into an online toolkit to help guide associations and others in their communications on safe and respectful boating.
  • Social Media: Outreach to a younger audience is one thing that Safe Quiet Lakes can do more of. We heard that establishing a larger volunteer pool as well as engaging youth is an important step to take. If you are active on social media, please be sure to follow us and let us know if you have a message we can share with our audience.
  • "Rinse and repeat": Education and outreach are very important tools for all of us. Safe Quiet Lakes will continue to focus on positive messaging and partnerships to keep the conversation going.
  • New Award: Our partnerships are key to what we do. WE look forward to recognizing an individual or group who make a leading contribution to safe and responsible boating a next year's meeting.

Feedback from the participants was very positive. Thank you to everyone who responded to the post event survey. It is really helpful for planning for next year. Most of you indicated that you will be sharing boating safety information with your members using our cards, an article in your newsletter or on your website. If you want some materials to distribute or have any further thoughts or comments, please be in touch with Aaron at aaron@safequiet.ca.

Discussion such as the ones we are able to have at the annual Stakeholders Meeting are a powerful way to build consensus on responsible ways to share the lakes and we appreciate your commitment to moving forward together.
We are looking forward to continuing to work together over this summer and beyond.
Frances Carmichael