May Zone 12 Update
Thank you for being a Zone 12 member! Test your horsemanship knowledge, check out coverage from IEA and IHSA Nationals, see upcoming program deadlines and more!
What do you love about the hunter/jumper sport?
We want to hear your story! How did you get started in the sport and what do you love about horses most? Tell us, so we can share your story with other members! Please include your name and hometown and a photo.
Check out coverage from IHSA Nationals!
The Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championship were held May 2-5 in Syracuse, N.Y. Check out photos on the USHJA Facebook page.
Test your knowledge with the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge
The USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge awards over $6,000 in grants and prizes with another $16,000 in prizes available through the 30-day HQC Stable Challenge ! Don't miss your chance to put your horsemanship knowledge to the test!

Open to USHJA members (at any paid membership level) 21 and younger as of Dec. 1, 2018, the quiz offers participants a chance to qualify for the in-person HQC Nationals.
The program is free and runs from February 1 to September 1. 
HQC Quick Quiz! Scroll to the bottom of eNews for the answer
A clean cut caused by a sharp object is...
IEA National Finals results
The Interscholastic Equestrian Association National Finals were April 26-28 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Click here to read more. Visit the USHJA Facebook page to see photos from the event!
Learn best practices when loneging with a rider!
Longeing can be a wonderful training tool for rider and horse if used in an appropriate manner with correct equipment and in a safe and secure location. It is also important for trainers to teach and enforce proper longeing techniques employed by their staff, both at home and at competitions. 

Check out this short educational video, created by the USHJA Horse and Rider Advocates Committee, which provides guidance on longeing with a rider.

For more educational content including articles and videos, visit
Sport History: Fun facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Before going on to national grand prix and 1984 Olympic Team Gold fame, Melanie Smith (Taylor) won 1970 Horse of the Year honors in the Amateur Owner Jumper Division with The Irishman. 

Here they are at Melanie’s hometown Germantown Horse Show clearing a jump typical of the 1960s and 1970s: A long and wide slanted panel that served as the “Joker” bonus jump in a Gambler’s Choice class.
Recent USHJA headlines
Upcoming events and deadlines
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USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: Tricia Booker, Jump Media, Kristin Rover and Louise Taylor for USHJA.
HQC Quick Quiz answer: Incision
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |