WILPF US e-newsletter. A monthly publication of the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

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June 2019
Your Spring Appeal gift will be matched!, a nuclear-weapon-free Middle East instead of warmongering, what the Venezuela Embassy arrests mean, Robin Lloyd's DC Days report, Detroit Branch donates JACBA books, Earth Democracy Fresno nature excursions, support newest bill to stop detention of Palestinian children, and MORE, in this month's eNews.

Invest in Peace 
Your support helps us reach farther and have more impact. Consider a Donation to WILPF today to demonstrate your solidarity with our work.

The US has been taking actions that could result in war with Iran, either intentionally or by accident. Please call President Trump and ask him to create a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East!


Your Spring Appeal gift in any amount will be matched by two generous anonymous donors up to $12,500. Look for the appeal in your mailbox and help get us to 55% participation!


From the Code Pink House to the halls of Congress, as ANA lobbyists during DC Days we saw the frail but courageous pushback against the military-industrial-congressional complex.


The arrests of the Venezuelan "Embassy Protection Collective" amounted to an international law crisis. WILPF's introduction to the Popular Resistance report ties these events to our Fall Solidarity Events.


The Detroit Branch joined with two other local groups to donate twenty-two sets of Jane Addams Children's Book Award winners to the Detroit Public Library system.

WILPF's "Nuclear Free Future Tour" is back, and you can be part of it ... ONLINE! Learn about the upcoming August 1-15, 2019, trip to Japan and plans for delivering the WILPF US petition to the Senate.

WILPF Fresno's Earth Democracy group is trying something new-monthly excursions to get us more in touch with Earth inhabitants and with Mother Nature. Consider doing something similar in your area!


Contact your congresspersons ASAP to urge them to support H.R. 2407, Representative Betty McCollum's bill "Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Military Occupation."


The Golden Rule peace boat had to return to San Diego due to engine problems, resulting in an unexpected two-month delay. New date for the restart of the Peace in the Pacific Voyage is in July.


Members of our leadership team met with Women Cross DMZ leaders in March in San Francisco. On the June 13th ONE WILPF Call we will hear from Christine Ahn about how our two organizations might collaborate to forge a stronger strategy.


Among the issues discussed at the May 21st board meeting were website improvements, increasing WILPF's social media presence, cost-cutting proposals, issue committee plans, and collaborating with other orgs.


Benefit from upcoming technology trainings customized to suit your needs, and join WILPF Twitter Wednesdays to amplify our messages!


The Tucson Branch's annual event, "Challah for Gaza," was a great success! We raised money for the Middle East Children's Alliance.


Share your news and keep informed

Next eNews Deadline: Thursday, June 27
Submit stories and photos for the July eNews to [email protected] . Editor may not publish all stories submitted, including late submissions. For more information, contact Wendy McDowell at above address.

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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
AFSC House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 | www.wilpfus.org

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