Like you perhaps, we are watching some of the political trends across the world with some trepidation. It looks to us like the complexity of the world has driven many people--understandably--to simple solutions.  The problem is those simple solutions aren't always good for our humanity or our planet. Come learn with us about how to support each other and those around us to handle complexity with grace. We can all learn to be liberated by complexity rather than trapped by our need for simplicity! 
Cultivating Leadership                                                             September 2018
Best Thursday Ever
So here's the thing.  If it is at all possible, you should come to the  Leading in Complex Times event we're having in London on 20 September. Take the day off. Hop on a Eurostar. Cancel your meetings. But come. I'm not sure there has ever been an event I've been a part of where I was so convinced of the value of your time in going. I never write blogs like this, trying to sell something or claiming that my perspective is one you need to listen to. But I think this event really is important, and I really do think you should go. Here's my thinking - click the blog link for more:
Visit our blog

Liberating Complexity

This video is taking the internet by storm! Many viewers think there has never been a better short look at the difficulties and the glories of liberating complexity. Click and see for yourself!

Jennifer joins friends and colleagues at three events during September and October and welcomes you to join her. These will be great opportunities for sourcing new ideas and networking.

Leading in Complex Times
Join Jennifer, Keith and other top thinkers and teachers about leadership development  for a day in London on 20th September.  This joint initiative between Cultivating Leadership, Harthill Consulting and MDV Consulting, is hosting a unique event for Learning and HR practitioners to explore new tools and practices to grow their own and their executives' capacity to lead in today's complex world. Mike, Dave and Jennifer discuss the event in this video.

Coaching changes lives - 2018 Capital Coaches Conference
Friday, October 19th Bethesda North Marriott 
Keynote speakers, Jennifer on Adult Development and Alexander Caillet on team coaching. For a taster hear Jennifer speak with Gideon Culman on his Where Genius Grows podcast..  See more about the October event and register here. 

The Next Practice Institute (NPI)
Are you an executive leading organizational change? Or a leadership development coach, facilitator or consultant? Join Jennifer and Zafer Achi at this year's Next Practice Institute in October. Jennifer describes the annual NPI event as the most intensive personal development event of her year.  In addition to a cutting-edge set of immersive learning tracks, keynote talks from distinguished thoughts leaders, and opportunities for individual healing sessions, the October Gathering presents a wonderful opportunity to join a rich global community of practice for a week of deep learning, renewal and friendship.  Dates October 21-26. See full program and register here.
Workshops 2018/2019
Advanced workshops--For those who have attended Conversations at the Growing Edge
Expanding Client Horizons Openly
This workshop moves from the practice of tentatively exploring your clients'
developmental path to actually having explicit conversations with your clients about their Growth Edge and whether and how to grow into a new developmental place.

Wellington, New Zealand, November 16-18, 2018
With Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett
Click here for full details and to register

London, UK, November 21-23
With Jennifer Garvey Berger and Zafer Achi
Filling fast - limited to 15
Click here for full details and to register

Bay area, US, December 4-6
With Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett

Copenhagen, December 5-7
With Jennifer Garvey Berger and Zafer Achi
Only 1 space left!
Email [email protected] for details

Psychologically Spacious Coaching
In this workshop, we create and practice new ways of using developmental ideas throughout a coaching engagement. We explore ways you can weave Growth Edge ideas in your conversations with clients to support them to find new solutions to intractable challenges.

Maryland, US, April 9-11, 2019
With Carolyn Coughlin

Stand alone workshop - open to all

Cultivating the Self for Complexity
This workshop offers a developmental perspective on how we can respond to complexity. We explore significant and sometimes radical shifts in our Sensing, Being, and Acting. We investigate resourcing in the midst of complexity: both for our clients, and for ourselves. 

Auckland, New Zealand, residential workshop from January 30 (5pm) to February 2, 2019
With Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett
Early bird discount $200 when you register by 30 September!

There's a new book coming--be the first to get your hands on it! 

Ok, you know who you are. You've read one (or both!) of our books and you keep meaning to write an amazon review but somehow you never get to it. Now's your day! How about you head over to amazon and write a quick review there? Write us a review for one of our first books and let Diana know you've done that, and we'll put your name in the draw for a signed copy of Jennifer's new book! 
Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World
by Jennifer Garvey Berger  
Stanford Business Books
In hardcopy and Kindle

Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders
by Jennifer Garvey Berger
and Keith Johnston
Stanford Business Books
In hardcopy and Kindle
Buy Now