Family Nursing Practice Models
Family Nursing in Action: Thailand |
Fourteen models that guide nursing practice with families are identified and continue to be updated in consultation with the models' authors.
Family Nursing in Action: Portugal |
Photos shown here are from the "Family Nursing in Action" photos on the IFNA website. More photos featuring family nursing are requested.
Family Nursing in Action: USA |
Dr. Maria do Céu Barbieri-Figueiredo, Portugal, is a foundational leader of family nursing in her country. She serves as coordinator professor at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (School of Nursing of Porto) and University of Porto, Portugal. In her current research, she is focusing on families of preterm infants and investigating continuity of care after discharge from hospital. [Read more]
Dr. Kristin Lutz, USA, is currently the co-chair of the IFNA Education Committee. As an Associate Professor at Oregon Health & Science University, she teaches courses on qualitative research methods and nursing knowledge development to nursing graduate students. She also supervises graduate students' practica in teaching and in community health, and mentors doctoral students conducting qualitative research and family nursing research. [Read more]
The Family Synthesis Project website has been launched by a research team led by Dr. Kathleen Knafl, USA. The project's objective is to complete syntheses of findings from over 1000 studies on the intersection of family life and childhood chronic physical conditions. The website has been launched to disseminate findings and information about synthesis research [Read more]
The Research Committee, in collaboration with the Education Committee, is pleased to announce an upcoming IFNA webinar: Mixed-Methods Synthesis Research: Strategies for Advancing Family Science on December 15, 2015 at 12 noon-1pm (Eastern Standard Time) presented by Dr. Kathleen Knafl, USA. The cost of the 1-hour webinar is $25.00 for IFNA Members and $35.00 for Non-members.
For more IFNA Research News
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13th International Family Nursing Conference |
Museo Universidad de Navarra (Photo Credit: Bully for Pamplona... the new Museo Universidad Navarra PR) |
A conference theme for the 13th International Family Nursing Conference in Pamplona, Spain in 2017 has been chosen by the IFNA Conference Committee and approved by the IFNA Board of Directors: The Art and Science of Family Nursing: Transforming Health for Families. The conference theme is particularly appropriate as the conference sessions will be held in the auditorium and classrooms of the Museo Universidad de Navarra. This beautiful museum was opened in January 2015 by King Felipe VI. The privately funded building was designed by the award-winning architect Rafael Moneo and houses an impressive collection, including paintings and sculptures donated by the Huarte family and 10,000 photographic works of art dating back to the 1800s.
The Conference Committee welcomes your ideas for suggested speakers, special sessions, and conference activities that are in keeping with the theme. Please email the co-chairs with your suggestions: Dr. Jane Lassetter and Dr. June Horowitz.
Current IFNA Membership is 459 from 35 Countries.
Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12, #IFNC13