August 2018

Together We Can Do So Much More!
We offer hundreds of programs for all ages, starting September 8.  Here is a sampling:

Baby/Adult: Baby and Me Gym, Music & Movement, Water Exploration, Gym and Swim, Baby Sports and more!

Cooking, Kiddie Crafts, Music & Movement, Swimming, Pre-Ballet, Tumble Tots, T-Ball, Ninja Parkour, Soccer, plus - new this fall Pre-School Enrichment Program.  

Elementary School Age
Chess, Art, STEM Mechanics, 3D Printing Programming (new!), Dance, Swim, Swim Team, Gymnastics, Gymnastics Team, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Basketball League, Karate, Flag Football, Lacrosse, Yoga and more!

Swim, Swim Team, Gymnastics, Gymnastics Team, Karate, Middle School Basketball, Teen TRX class (new!), Teen Strength and Conditioning, Teen Leaders Club, American Red Cross Safety classes and more!

Basic Training, Pedals & Kettles, MELT Method, Triathlon Training, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Early Morning Boot Camp, Personal Training, LIVE STRONG at the YMCA,  Blood Pressure Self Monitoring Program, Karate, Swim instruction, Enhance Fitness, American Red Cross Safety classes and more!
Click here to view our fall program guide with details.  Registration starts Wednesday, August 1 for Members. 
Fall Program Registration starts today for Members at 6am!
Online registration is not available for youth aquatics. Please fax or drop off registrations to Member Services.  Click here for typeable registration form. 
Classes start September 8.

Best Summer Ever!
We still have a limited number of openings available in our camps for ages 3-14 including Kinder, Sports, Gymnastics, Discovery, STEAM, Teen Adventure and Teen Fitness.  Don't forget to register for All-Aboard Camp, August 20-24 (Available for campers, ages 6-13, enrolled in our camps this summer.)
Visit our camp website for details.
Family Fun
August Family/Primetime Calendar
Family Swim
Click here to view our expanded family summer swim schedule.

Rye Y's Pre-School Enrichment Program - NEW!
Registration is open for our new Pre-School Enrichment Program for children 3-5 years old which starts in September.  Participants may choose between a morning or afternoon program on Tuesdays and Thursdays (2 day) or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (3 day). Weekly activities include: swimming, movement, music, enrichment, sports, art and cooking.  Transportation is available to/from Christ's Church Nursery School (CCNS).  Register now. Stop by the Member Services desk to register.  Click here for flyer with details.  Click here for registration form.

Gymnastic Team, Pre-Team, Excel Competitive Team & Talent Group Tryouts
Thursday, August 2, 4:30-5:30pm
For more information, please contact

Parent's Night Out: Friday, August 17, 6:30-9:00pm
Enjoy a night out while we provide a safe and fun environment for the  kids! 
Ages 3 mos-5 years: Storybook Activities: Caps for Sale.
Located in Child Watch and includes an age-appropriate snack.
Family: $20/child; Youth: $25/child; Non-Member: $40/child

Swim Team Tryouts start September 4
Blood Drive:  August 4, 9am-2pm at the Rye Y
Give the gift of life! Red Cross has informed us that they are experiencing a severe emergency blood shortage. All donors who provide a valid email at registration will receive a $5 Amazon gift card. Click here to schedule an appointment. Drop-ins welcome. 

Annual Health Fair, Saturday, August 11 - Volunteers Needed!
Sound Shore residents will have access to health care providers, screenings and vital information about health and well-being at the 5th Annual Access to Care Health Fair. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held on Sheldrake Place between Mamaroneck Ave and Van Ranst Place in Mamaroneck. 
English speaking and bilingual (Spanish/English) volunteers are needed from 8am-3pm for various tasks.  Click here to volunteer  (must be at least 16 years old)
For more information, please contact Denise Woodin

Shopping, Cooking and Food Preparation : August 15, 11:30am-12:30pm
Join us for a FREE nutrition seminar.  Located in the Rye Y's 2nd floor conference room.  For more information,  contact Tanya Stack.
Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program
An evidence-based program that features personalized support for people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. 
Wednesdays from 9am-10:30am and  Thursdays from 1:30pm-3pm
Click here for details. For more information, contact Tanya Stack.

Mah Jongg/Canasta 
Summer schedule: Thursdays, 10:30am-12:45pm at the Rye Free Reading Room. Instructor available to help you learn or renew your skills.  RSVP to  Penny Cozza.

Booked at the Y and Crafty Crew  will resume in September.  For more information, contact  Penny Cozza.
Member Stories
Bob Miranti Shares his Rye Y Experience
I've been a member of the Rye YMCA for about 10 years now; some of those years I "phoned it in" but recently I've been here 5-6 days a week.  Let me start by saying I don't know which I hate more - exercise or vegetables. Currently they are neck in neck but I'm in the process of "peace talks" with both topics.  Read more.

Have you downloaded our free mobile app?
View schedules, check in, register for programs and receive notifications about facility closures
IPhone users - Download on the App Store
Android users - Get it on Google Play
Please note that the Game Room, Universal Locker Room and Member Lounge are reserved for camp use, Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm during the summer.

Current openings include: Lifeguard, Swim Instructor, Gymnastics Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, Assistant Swim Team Coach, Fitness Floor staff and Sports instructor. Click here for details.

Give to the Rye Y while shopping at Amazon
Amazon donates to us with each purchase you make when you use this link.
Bookmark the link and use it whenever you shop at Amazon.

Please expect heavy traffic in the Rye Y parking lot during summer camp drop-off and pick-up between 8:30-9:00am, 11:45am-12:00pm and 3:45-4:00pm. If the parking lot is congested or full, we recommend that you consider parking in a nearby municipal lot. Click here to view a map of lot locations.
In addition, a school bus will be dropping campers off at our side door on Mead Place throughout the day, so as always, please use caution and drive safely on and around the Y property and the Mead Place neighborhood.

Our summer maintenance period will begin August 17 and continue until Labor Day (some projects may go a little longer). During that time we will complete our annual facility maintenance projects, including renovations of the boy's and girl's locker rooms, draining/cleaning the swimming pools and installing new lighting, new floor tile in the pool wet corridor, re-finishing the gymnasium and group exercise studio floors, painting throughout the building and making parking lot repairs and re-striping. Some program spaces will be closed during this timeframe so the work can be completed. A complete list of projects and the specific schedule will be posted by August 6.

Thank You for Checking In!
ALL members must check in using their membership card, the Rye Y app or last name.
ALL others must check in using a sign-in sheet. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the Rye Y safe!
Membership Screening
The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members and may screen other guests and visitors as well. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access. In some instances we might need to collect additional information and our Membership Engagement Director, Barbara, will reach out to you.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Make a Difference
Did you know that you can  DOUBLE THE IMPACT  of your donation to the Rye Y through your employer's  Matching Gift Program ? It is a great way to maximize your donation to the Rye Y and maximize the impact on the lives of individuals and families - our friends and neighbors - who need a helping hand.
Please take the time to check with your employer. It's EASY:
1.   Obtain a matching gift form from your HR Department.

2.   Fill out the employee section of the form and send it to the Rye YMCA, ATTN Development Department.

3.  The Rye Y will complete the form and return it to your employer for processing. Your company will send its matching donation directly to the Rye Y and we will notify you when it arrives.

If you have questions, please contact Susan Olson at  or 967-6363 ext 202. We are grateful for your support!
Rye YMCA | 914-967-6363 | |
21 Locust Avenue
Rye, NY 10580