December 20, 2019
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Upcoming Events
December 20- January 3, 2020 NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK
January 6, 2020 — Third Quarter Begins.
January 7, 2020 — Board of Education Organizational Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
January 15, 2020 — Kings Celebration, 7:00 p.m., Kings High School.

More event information can be found at:

Knight Nation~

We will see you back here on
Friday, January 10, 2020
for the next publication of
Knight Nation News.

Have a great Winter Break!
School Messenger Update
We have made some changes to our school notification system. We used to only pull the first emergency contact from FinalForms to contact parents. We have now added the second contact.

If you need to make any changes on who gets contacted in case of emergency, please contact Dawn Gould at .
The Kings Community Spreads Holiday Cheer
Community Partners and Families in the Kings Community have again helped KingsUKnights bring Christmas joy to 130 families this year.

Because of generous donations, 317 children received two clothing items and one fun gift, and each family received a Kroger gift card.

For five years in a row, Missy and Mick Kowitz along with a great team of 20 plus volunteers have gathered donations, shopped, and made the holiday brighter for Kings families.

This year the KingsUKnights team received gifts from 120 sponsors including businesses, churches, and individuals which totaled over $30,000.

In addition to the KingsUKnights program, The Mason-Deerfield Rotary Club provided over a dozen of our families with a Thanksgiving meal. Meals were pre-cooked and only needed re-heated. They were delivered to each home on Thanksgiving morning. They also provided $600 in gift cards intended for teens in need.

Lastly, Deerfield United Methodist Church provided 16 holiday meal bags for our families in need. Each bag was full of non-perishable items and included a $10 Meijer card for perishables. Meal bags were delivered to homes by our School Resource Coordinator, Becky Lemon before the holiday break. 

There were so many more examples of the generosity of our Kings Community. Thank you all for making a difference! #KingsStrong
KHS Top STEM High School
Newsweek announced its ranking of the top 5,000 STEM high schools for 2019, honoring excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Congratulations to Kings High School for being ranked #1,822 in the nation!

The top 5,000 schools were curated from Educational Research™ (SER) using a proprietary scoring logic that took into consideration a broad set of quantitative and qualitative data inputs collected from Q2 2015–Q3 2019. The purpose was to determine which primary/secondary institutions in America best offer students experiences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)—as defined by the Congressional Research Service—while preparing them for post‐secondary outcomes. Additional factors, including affluence and median household income, were taken into consideration in compiling the rankings. 

Nancy Cooper, Newsweek Global Editor in Chief said, "These high schools are helping to ensure America’s future in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is in good hands.”  Congratulations to the staff and students of Kings High School for this recognition! The full list of 5,000 top STEM high schools can be found on .
Adaptive Climbing Wall at SLE
An Adaptive Climbing Wall has been an exciting addition to the Multiple Disabilities (MD) classroom at South Lebanon Elementary! Not only are the students in the MD classroom able to utilize this new equipment, but other students who come for a daily motor group and those who need motor breaks throughout their school day are able to come for a climb!

The wall is a traverse climbing wall, in that the students must climb with their feet below the red line and climb across the wall. This wall is adaptive because it has the steps and specialized hand holds for a broader range of ability levels. It is also a dry erase and magnetic surface! The climbing wall will help students meet their sensory needs, assist in motor planning, aide in visual attention, and more.

SLE MD Teacher, Cassidy Wodke wrote a grant for the equipment from Everlast Climbing through the Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities (WCBDD). The climbing wall came with an activity guide with up to 65 ways to use the wall in the classroom. Wodke said, "We look forward to challenging our students on the wall, while having fun!"

The Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities supports preschool and school age students in various ways. An additional support for students has been developed by means of a mini-grant to be used to supplement student needs in the least restrictive environment. These funds are not to supplant educational services, but are to provide additional support to students that is not currently available.
SLE Kings Kids Present - Wonky Christmas
The students who attend Kings Kids Childcare performed "Wonky Christmas" on Wednesday, December 18. This original stage play was created by the 4th grade students and directed, produced, and performed by the Kings Kids Blue Group which includes students in grades 2-5.

The students and their teacher, Alyssa Wykle began to rehearse around Thanksgiving. The entire production, from writing scripts, costumes, and acting was entirely student-led! Great job, everyone!
JFB Students Learn About Medical Sustainability
On Monday, November 18 the 3rd and 4th graders at J.F. Burns Elementary had special guest speakers, Emmanuel and Hope Ndolimana, from the small African nation, Rwanda, shared about life, schools, culture, and dance in their native country. They also shared about the work they are doing to bring health to their communities suffering from treatable but neglected diseases. 

Several brave volunteers from each grade experienced simulations of some of the symptoms of these diseases, and they shared how they felt with the other students in the audience. The guests were surprised when one of the JFB students told them that she was from Rwanda and greeted them in Kinyarwanda (the native language of Rwanda)!

Many students were moved by the stories of the other kids in Rwanda. They asked for next steps and what to do, and they were encouraged to just begin to get to know some of these kids. The students at JFB are planning to start writing messages to the children in Rwanda.
KHS Student Receives Scholarship
Congratulations to Kings High School Senior, Isa Gangadin who received a scholarship offered by the Spanish rock band, Maná.

Fifteen students from the United States selected have a positive impact on their community and the environment. The scholarship received 1,227 applicants..

Isa was awarded $10,000 to use toward higher education. She was also flown to Los Angeles to attend Mana''s concert and met the musicians in person.

Isa is pictured below third from the right.

Support Groups Offered at KHS
This winter, Kings High School is offering free student support groups centered around building life skills, self-esteem, conflict management, and coping with changes in the family. 

Groups meet for one period on Tuesdays on a bell rotation so that students minimize the amount of time missed in any particular class. Duration of different groups vary and will be facilitated by Heather Riley, a prevention specialist from Solutions Community Counseling and Crisis Recovery Centers.  

If your student would benefit from a small support group, please complete the consent form and return it to your student's school counselor. Depending on demand, there will be two groups. Therefore, if more than one group is a good fit, please mark all that apply.

For more questions, please contact Heather Riley, M. Ed., SCCRC, 513-228-7800 Ext. 347 or  or your student's counselor.
Lindner Center Offers Education Series
The Lindner Center of Hope is sponsoring a free community education series in 2020. Topics include eating disorders, OCD, loss of a child, substance abuse, and more.

Click here for more information.
Thank You from Kings Kloset

The staff of the Kings Kloset sends a huge thank you to Kings Junior High School for donating 575 items to Kings Kloset, and also thanks to our Kings Community for their donations. Happy Holidays!
Kings Spiritwear Available ONLINE
You can now support your school or organization by purchasing your Kings spiritwear online!

Visit  and at the top click "Find Your Shop." A drop down menu will appear and you can click on the school or organization you would like to support. 20% of your purchase goes back to that organization!

Check out one of the new foil designs pictured above.
VOTE for Kings Theatre!
Kings Preschool Registration for 2020-2021
It's that time of year again to begin registration for Kings Preschool! Registrations will be accepted beginning January 21. The preschool/childcare program meets in the Kings Education Center (KEC).

Kings Preschool offers both preschool and childcare for 3-5 year olds. All programs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education.

More information may be obtained on the Kings Local Schools website by clicking here or to schedule a tour or ask questions call 513-398-8050, ext. 10043.
Community Learning Series

Click here for the CLS Schedule for the rest of the year.
Get Ready for Winter!
It’s getting to be that time of the year when bad weather is upon us. In case of inclement weather and possible school closings or delays, we will use our School Messenger All-Call System.

The District conducted a test call on Wednesday, December 11. If you did not receive that call, please contact Dawn Gould at .

Please be sure that your School Messenger account is up to date. Visit  with your student’s ID code to update contact information.

Social Media is also a great way to get information. For the most up-to date school closing information, check our  website,   Facebook Page, Twitter  , and  Instagram  . 
The Kings School District is in great need of substitute teachers and aides. To become a substitute aide click here .

If you are interested in substitute teaching click here .

Substitute teaching is a great way to earn extra money and choose your own schedule. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree or valid teaching credential by the ODE.
Substitute Nurses for the Kings Local School District. Requirements include RN with Ohio Board of Nursing License and a Bachelor's degree.

For further information please contact Eva Garchar at .
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
We can't possibly put all of the news in the weekly newsletter so we hope you will join us on our social media channels where we will be posting great things happening in our District daily.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
We have gone green and eliminated flyers going home in backpacks.

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Save the Date!
SAY Soccer Registration
Kings Soccer Club is registering for the Spring season. Children in grades kindergarten through high school are invited to register online at . The registration fee is $90 per player, with a maximum of $270 per family. Early registration will run through January 18.
Girls Youth Lacrosse Registration

Kings Girls Youth Lacrosse registration is now open for grades K - 6.
Parents can register their kids at   
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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