Last week our beloved 5th grade teacher, Deb Dykstra , announced she would be retiring from JCS after the close of the 2019-2020 school year. Her letter to the community is included here:
Dear Friends and Families of Jenison Christian School,
This letter is a difficult one to write, but I feel that now is the time to write it. After many prayers and tears, I have made the decision that the 2019-2020 school year would be my last year of teaching.
I leave with no regrets and only happy memories of my 22 years at Jenison Christian school. I have enjoyed teaching every child, meeting every family, and working with such a wonderful group of people!
Jenison Christian is a very special school to me. I know that each teacher and every staff member really takes the time to know each child and their unique spirit. Each student is honored as a child of God. The parents and guardians have walked with me as together we guided the faith, social interactions, and academic progress of these children with God as their Shepherd! I have felt a deep responsibility, since God placed me in this school, to follow His example in all circumstances. Jenison Christian has encouraged me to use my gifts to serve these children. There is a tremendous team of people here who work together so well, and are encouraging, and godly in their dealings with each other and the children. It is the place I would want my own children and grandchildren to thrive and grow in the knowledge of their Lord.
I have loved teaching these precious children. I look forward to more time with my family and grandchildren. I do not know what plans God has for me in the future... but I know I have to listen to Him now! I am confident in His leading!
I thank you, again, for letting me be God's servant at Jenison Christian. There is no other place I would rather be, as I finish my year that leads to retirement.
May God bless you all!
With Sincere Gratitude,
Deb Dykstra

From Mr. Paauw: As I wrap up my 10th year as JCS principal I can say without a doubt that she is a teacher that is always shining with a Christ-like, graceful, and kind servant leadership. She roots for all of her students, always and in all circumstances. I have watched her time and time again make selfless decisions that place her students above herself because of a heart full of love and care. As a colleague, I have learned a lot from Mrs. Dykstra and want to thank her for the many things she has taught me. She always has an open door for all of us and is willing to go the extra mile in any task to ensure each member of our team feels connected and collaborative. Thank you for your love for Jesus, Mrs. Dykstra, and your love for students. We will all miss you!