IFM was contacted by a National Travel Firm to aid in discussions with the local health department regarding their wastewater treatment facility. The heath department restricted the facility from discharging any effluent to waters of the state. Due to this restriction, the facility was required to pump and haul all wastewater offsite to be treated elsewhere.  
Once IFM was contacted, they promptly began communications with the local health department to determine any steps the facility could take to begin discharging once again. After extensive discussions, IFM's client and the health department came to an agreement. IFM would be permitted to upgrade the existing treatment system and install new mound systems to collect and disperse the treated wastewater into the ground.

IFM was granted the opportunity under extenuating circumstances. Within 5 years of installation, IFM's client must contact the nearby city regarding tying into their collections system. Upon review and budgeting, the client agreed to all terms and conditions associated.

At this time, IFM began to design the upgraded treatment plant to be approved by the heath department. To upgrade this existing system, not only was the mound capacity increased by 5000 gallons per day, but the pretreatment system was also upgraded to increase treatment efficiency during peak flows. The existing septic tanks were retrofitted into a Smart Treat MBBR system. The system was installed and started up in late 2017.  

Upon installation, the health department completed a full inspection and provided a Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal Operating Permit. Since the start up of the plant, the facility has been in compliance of all requirements and IFM has continued to prepare plans and pricing for the required tie into city sewer.
Uniquely Qualified... A Water Cycle Technologies Company 

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