Pastor Carolyn Poteet

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August 19, 2018


Carolyn Poteet


"Vines, Branches, and
Fruit Inspectors"



Jeremiah 17:7-8
John 15:1-11

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August 17, 2018

"I am the vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him,
he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing."
 John 15:5

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

It is wonderful to be back at home with you all! The Kenya team laughed many times about the things we take for granted in the States - not having to be paranoid every time we see a mosquito, being able to brush our teeth with running water, and especially being able to make a chicken dinner without having to first catch the chicken! 

We are all grateful to you for your prayers. It really was remarkable how smoothly the trip went. We had no troubles with customs, travel, or even the weather. And thankfully, other than my knee issues, the team stayed remarkably healthy the whole time.

More than anything, we saw the power of God at work wherever we went. Just imagine what it would be like if this church had 300 new converts in a week! Pastor Job and his team were incredible prayer warriors. They had fasted and prayed for months before we arrived. Their dedication and willingness to sacrifice for the call of God was humbling and inspiring. They had a team of about thirty pastors, worship leaders, and university students who stayed up late and got up early, all for the work of the Lord. We were blessed to be able to walk alongside them, and we saw God bring great fruit from their ministry.

What is the secret to bearing fruit for the Lord? The secret is abiding in the vine. This Sunday, we continue our "I Am" sermon series, looking at Jesus' statement that he is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus tells us to abide in him, for apart from him we can do nothing. When we abide - when we draw our strength and life from Him, the fruit comes naturally. These Kenyan pastors and students knew how to abide. They knew how to turn to the Lord for everything - for electricity, for health, for just the words to say at just the right time to just the right person. They taught us so much about being prepared, in season and out of season, to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Where are you abiding these days? It is far too easy to hang out with worry, to spend quality time with self-pity, to seek wisdom from the internet, to draw confidence from the illusion of control. What would it take to spend a little more time resting in the Lord, praying, studying the word, fellowshipping with other believers? When our roots dig deep down to the foundation of the Rock of Ages, it affects everything about us. It changes our hearts and our faith, and it also changes our fruit. Abide in the Lord, and you cannot help but bear good fruit.

Pastor Carolyn 
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