Seacoast Stormwater Coalition members at the August 2018 meeting
Source: Nancy O' Connor
Nancy O' Connor, program content coordinator, and Marcia Moreno-B á ez, GIS analyst, attended Wednesday’s Seacoast Stormwater Coalition meeting in Dover. The coalition comprises municipalities working together to prepare for compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s MS4 stormwater management permit. Meetings frequently feature speakers from the NH Department of Environmental Services and, occasionally from the EPA, who provide assistance and expertise to the municipalities.

At Wednesday's meeting, coalition members continued work on their Notice of Intent (NOI) letters, which are due by Oct. 2, 2018. Earlier this year, SRPC worked with Rockingham Planning Commission to create municipal MS4 maps. The SRPC communities required to comply with the MS4 permit are Dover, Newmarket, Durham, Somersworth, Rochester, Rollinsford and Milton. The SRPC staff is available for technical assistance, help with the NOI, stormwater management plans, outreach and education materials, and more.
For more information on the Seacoast Stormwater Coalition, visit:

Pieces of Interest

On Tuesday, Aug. 14, regional transportation planner Colin Lentz attended a meeting at NHDOT for all prospective applicants to the 2018 round of funding through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Forty-five municipalities—including Farmington, Rochester, and Somersworth in the Strafford MPO region—had submitted preliminary letters of interest to qualify for submitting a full application to NHDOT by Sept.7. Approximately $5.3 million is available for projects, and nearly $29 million in projects were proposed in the initial letters of interest, so competition for funds will be strong to say the least. SRPC staff will provide technical support to Farmington, Rochester, and Somersworth as they ready their projects for the Sept. 7 application deadline. SRPC Policy and TAC members will score and rank the projects as a way of providing regional input to NHDOT, which expects to complete the final project selection in January 2019.

For more information, visit the NHDOT website for the TAP program, or contact Colin at 603-994-3500.

Pieces of Interest

Economic Development
The communities in the Strafford region are affiliated with three different economic development corporations: Regional Economic Development Center (REDC), Strafford Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and Wentworth Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO). Each of these nonprofits provides numerous resources such as business loans, workshops and training, important business connections, and other types of technical assistance.

SEDC supports all the SRPC communities in Strafford County. WEDCO supports Farmington, Middleton, Milton, and New Durham, as well as the Carroll County communities of Brookfield and Wakefield. REDC supports Nottingham, Newmarket, and Northwood, which are all in Rockingham County. As an Economic Development District, SRPC works in different capacities with each of the economic development corporations.

Learn more about each of our partners by clicking the links to their websites, above. Learn more about Strafford EDD at

Pieces of Interest

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 | |
August 17, 2018