Second Sunday
After Pentecost
June 14, 2020

Eric Enstrom, Grace (Bovey, Minnesota: 1918),
colorized photograph of Charles Wilden.
Minnesota State Legislature established it as the state photograph in 2002.
Rector's Update
Greetings to the saints of St. Paul’s,

Last Sunday we opened the doors for our 10:30 service! It was great to have people back in church! Of course, we also continued to stream our service. Repeating last week’s Rector’s Update, physical distancing has lowered our seating capacity. Seating will be first come, first seated basis, and happily last week, everyone got a seat in the church. We’re going to continue with our online streaming for the foreseeable future for those who aren’t ready to return (and continuing delivery of remote Eucharist). The Bishop has encouraged that those 65 and over (and those with underlying health conditions) to continue watching the livestream, rather than attending the service in person. Those who come on Sunday will note some differences, as we’re going to worship in compliance with Diocesan strictures. Here are some of the more obvious changes: (click to read more)

View 10:30 a.m. service live on

Join us for Virtual Coffee Hour following the service on Zoom:
Meeting ID : 903 777 2020
or, Join by phone - dial: 346 248 7799

Broadcast Wed. at 8am and 6pm on GEUS Channel 34

Wednesdays - Noonday prayer at Noon
via Zoom & Facebook live (above)

Bible Study - 8am - Friday's 1 Corinthians via Zoom
Due to participation in For The City, we’re cancelling our Friday morning Bible Study on June 19. It will continue on June 26th at 8:00 via Zoom.
We’re studying 1 Corinthians.

Per the directive of Bishop Sumner, the St. Paul’s Church office is closed for the forseeable future. Angela Dryer, our Parish Administrator, will check
the office voicemail and email daily and respond to any messages.
Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

 The readings may be found here .

June 7th - " Trinity Sunday - Year A - The Trinity Reveals Love "
Processional Hymn

Gospel Hymn

Offertory Hymns
2013 played by 91 year old

Communion Hymns
Flute and violin: Hanbin (15) and
Esther (12) Koo

Recessional Hymn     

A Morsel for Meditation
If we are honest, we have to say that we cannot reach the goal. We cannot become what we ought to become, true men and women. Many let the matter rest there; they confess it, but take no action. They make themselves satisfied with half because they cannot have the whole. God demands all, not just half. And this “all” we are not capable of giving. What is impossible for us is what God wants – all love to him and to our fellow humans. If this is true, it would seem that we can have no good conscience, no trusting relationship with God, no inner peace, and no freedom of the soul. But God has in his mercy shown us a different way. “You cannot come up to me, so I will come down to you.” And God descends to us human beings. This act of becoming one of us begins at Christmas and ends on Good Friday.

Emil Brunner, I Believe in the Living God:
Sermons on the Apostles' Creed (Lutterworth Press, 1961).

You can make your checks payable to "St. Paul's Episcopal Church" and mail them to:

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
8320 Jack Finney Blvd. 
Greenville, TX 75402
You can also make your donations at to make a donation using your credit or debit card via PayPal or
Peggy Cole, Stewardship Committee

As we give thanks for the opportunity to gather in church once again, I find great joy in the words of St. Luke with regard to giving:

“Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands – more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.” Luke 6:38
Opportunity to Serve or Be Served
There is still time to join

Rebecca Ballard, Laura Funk and myself for the Prayer Walk portion of 'For The City ' Friday evening, June 19th or Saturday morning, June 20th . We will meet at the church.

The prayer walkers actually walk the neighborhoods surrounding their church, delivering a door hanger to each house. praying silently or aloud for each household as you are placing the door hanger. Certainly you can pray whenever and however the spirit leads you, that part is up to you.  We do NOT knock on doors but if a resident is outside, we would want to explain what we are doing.

The door hanger has links to connect with the 'For The City' web page and will list all of the participating churches, with information for connecting with a desired church.

The website will also offer to pray for needs as well as allow people to list special needs that they may need assistance with

The goal is to reach every household in Greenville with the message that Jesus loves them (this is printed on the door hanger). That is probably not going to happen this year - but certainly something to work toward in the future.

Please respond with a yes as soon as possible, preferably no later than Tuesday, June 16 th if you are interested by texting me at 903-422-8346 or

Tell us how many people in your family or sphere of influence would be willing to volunteer - feel free to ask anyone you like to participate. I'm thinking children would be dynamite for this.

Pray for our city, 'For the City's' success in spreading the love of God, and our nation.
Please call me if you have any questions - 903-422-8346.

Yours in Christ,
Marie Aughtry
If you have followed our Facebook or YouTube live streaming you may not know that the team that has made the audio/visual possible are the Faunce Family - Jennifer, Jeff and Jacob. Camera operators are Mark Walsh and Laura Funk.

Have you operated cameras or worked in video production or would like to learn? Contact Jeff Faunce at 903-413-7791
Explore the Diocese
"A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me."

Reflections on Jesus words in light of so many of us being enclosed in our homes.

Click to watch
Pray for the Church, the Body of Christ
Please pray for those on our prayer list this week:

 J orn Jamieson, Judy Shaddox, Chris Bynum, Lily Stipe, Chris Wiltz,
Allen Clegg Sr., The Clegg Family, Jo Dodson, Elaine Hodge,
Beverly Gish, Mike Lavigne,
Faye Hamann, Dana Medford,
Bob Lanier, Alice Cooney,
Paula Reeves, Cyndi Sehr,
Wayne and Lillian McHenry,
Eileen Jenkins, Dru Ann Jamison,
Father Gordon and Dolores Miltenberger

We offer special prayers for the family of Dan McGlone who passed away this week. A private funeral service will be held. 
 We also pray for our Daughters of the King Ministry as they bring their strength and service together by praying for friends and for the people.

You may add people to the list by filling out a DOK confidential prayer card and putting them in the blue box located in the Narthex.
Contact our church office to add a name to our prayer list: 903-455-5030. Names remain for one month unless renewed or canceled.

The Daughters of the King support your prayer needs and wishes. Each Sunday a prayer team will be available to pray with you after the Worship Service in the choir area after the 10:30 service. If you would like additional information, please see a DOK member.

They also have a intercessory prayer box on the table in the Narthex to deposit prayer requests. Prayer request cards may be found in the pews and beside the box in the Narthex. Daughters pray daily. All prayers are confidential. Each person is prayed for one month. If you wish for continued prayers, please complete another request card or contact a Daughter.

You may call the church office (903-455-5030) and specify it is for the DOK intercessory prayer list. You can hand the card to a Daughter (she is always wearing her cross).

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