February 10, 2021 
Dear Families and Stakeholders:   

We look forward to seeing you at 5pm for our Zoom call.   The information for the meeting is listed below. 

We continue to require that all visitation requests be made on a weekly basis and they must be submitted by Thursday at 10:00am for review. Requests must be made through the following email address Contact@AmegoInc.org.  We will respond to most requests by Thursday evening. 

We will be doing a limited opening of day programs and are assessing the timelines.  By the end of the month, we will have a rolling schedule that reflects our positivity rates and capacity. Currently attendance in our day programs are for our day-only individuals. We will continue to assess when our residential individuals will return. 

If you have any questions or issues that you would like addressed, please send them to Contact@AmegoInc.org and we will either respond individually or during the meeting.   

Thank you, 

John Randall
President and Chief Executive Officer
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Amego, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, is qualified under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Service Code to receive gifts, grants, and contributions which are deductible for United States federal income tax purposes.

Amego, Inc. supports individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities
Our team works hard to provide an extensive network of support for both the clients and families we proudly serve
Since 1971, Amego has been providing a structured and safe learning environment both in and outside of the classroom
© 2018 Amego Inc. | All Rights Reserved