Welcome to the monthly eNewsletter of the
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)
Digestive Health Monthly - August 2018
For the millions of people around the world living with the debilitating and sometimes life-threatening symptoms of gastroparesis, the fight to make their voices heard for better research, support, and treatments is ongoing. That's why we're joining together with patients, their family members and friends, and the medical community all month long to "Make Patient Voices Heard" - the theme for Gastroparesis Awareness Month 2018.

Join us this month in making your voice heard on behalf of all those with gastroparesis (GP). Whether by lighting up your community in green on August 25th, joining us for a Twitter chat on August 24th, or sharing your GP story on social media with the hashtag #HearMeGP, by all raising our voices as a community, we can promote widespread awareness and pave the way towards treatments and cures.
Back to School with a GI Disorder
4 things you can do to help your child
Soon, kids will be heading back to school, which can be a time of stress and uncertainty for children with a chronic digestive disorder.

But there are things you can do to reduce your child's anxiety and help them successfully navigate through this exciting, yet often challenging, time of year.

Find four tips to help your child manage school-related issues with a digestive disorder.
Taking Awareness a Step Further
IFFGD President, Ceciel T. Rooker, talks about advocacy on the Living (Well!) with Crystal Saltrelli, CHC podcast
In recognition of Gastroparesis Awareness Month and the millions of people raising awareness in their communities this month, IFFGD President Ceciel T. Rooker sat down with Certified Health Coach (CHC) and member of the IFFGD Patient Advisory Committee, Crystal Saltrelli, for a special airing of her Living (Well!) podcast series.

Here, Ceciel and Crystal talk about the needs of the gastroparesis community and how those affected can transform awareness into action by taking part in national advocacy.

Gastroparesis Awareness Month Twitter Chat
Join IFFGD & G-PACT for a chat on Friday, August 24th
Join IFFGD, G-PACT, and Stanford University motility specialist, Linda Nguyen, MD, on Friday, August 24th at 12 PM EST for a special Gastroparesis Awareness Month Twitter chat. We'll be discussing the experience of gastroparesis, overlapping conditions, the future of treatments, and more!

Tweet your questions during the chat with hashtag #GPChat to participate!

Do you have a question about gastroparesis? Submit your GP questions to hear them addressed during the chat.
Relationships & Incontinence
Get pointers on forging supportive relationships
Relationships - with friends, family, doctors, and caregivers - are one of the most important things in contributing to how well a person with incontinence is able to overcome the obstacles of their condition and carry on with daily life.

Whether you or someone you know is affected by incontinence, there are things you can do to open up lines of communication and encourage greater understanding.

Get pointers for forging strong and supportive relationships.
"Let Your Voice Be Heard!"
Stephanie shares the importance of finding your GP community
For many, the journey from symptom onset to long-term symptom management is a long and winding one, taking twists and turns and flipping "normal" completely upside down.

IFFGD talks with gastroparesis advocate and IFFGD Patient Advisory Committee member, Stephanie Torres, about her journey and the importance of finding your voice and your community along the way.

Paint the Town Green!
On August 25, light up your community in green for GP awareness
Join gastroparesis advocate and IFFGD Patient Advisory Committee member, Deb Shrader-Trotter, in raising awareness and shedding some light on the needs of the gastroparesis community by lighting up your community in green.

On Saturday, August 25th, people across the nation will light up their homes, neighborhoods, and communities with green lights.

Join in and share your green on social media with hashtag #Green4GP.
IFFGD is a nonprofit organization. We rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by chronic gastrointestinal disorders.
IFFGD | 414-964-1799 | iffgd@iffgd.org | www.iffgd.org