Building on the brilliant insight of the woman who coined the now-popular word,  mansplaining , I offer a parallel concept, " bossplaining" .
Bossplaining comes in many forms...
  • Annual Reviews, Employee Development Plans, Feedback...
  • .....and the ever-popular "Teachable Moment" 

MC book Angled

In  Management Culture: Innovative & Bold Strategies to Engage Employees , author Denise Moreland analyzes what is wrong at work by
focusing on management culture-the common beliefs, language, expectations and pressures placed on managers to behave toward employees in ways that are destructive, counter-productive and disengaging. 

Ms. Moreland offers a new vision of engagement based on employee strengths and passions. 

She offers practical advice on how to create a healthy work culture where employees look forward to going to work.

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