Volume 12, Issue 12 | Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Congrats! 24 District 58 students advance to State PTA Reflections
District 58 is proud to announce that 24 students will advance 31 projects from the regional to the state level of the PTA Reflections arts recognition and achievement program.

Reflections is a national PTA arts recognition and achievement program for students. Through Reflections, District 58 students in preschool through eighth grade are invited to submit works of art in six areas: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. The theme for the 2020-21 program is “I Matter Because...”

District shares second trimester report card information
As we approach the end of the second trimester (March 5), we wanted to share some information regarding assessments and reporting during this trimester. We have identified the Trimester 2 Essential Standards for all grade levels (K-8) and content areas; these are the learning standards that we believe are most critical for students during this time, and they will be reflected on the report cards. 

As with all aspects of instruction during a pandemic, there are some adjustments to certain areas of the report card. For additional information on reporting for the second trimester of this school year, please take a look at our Reporting Guidance for Families. For additional information on district report cards in general, please see the report card page on our website. 
How does District 58 make cold weather decisions?
This past week has brought frigid temperatures to Downers Grove, and the 10-day forecast offers little relief.

When would District 58 close schools due to cold temperatures? District 58 would likely close school and move to a full remote learning format if a wind chill warning is issued by the National Weather Service during the times students are traveling to or from school. A wind chill warning is typically issued when the wind chill will be -25 degrees Fahrenheit or colder or the actual air temperature is -25 degrees Fahrenheit.

When would D58 cancel outdoor recess due to weather? Grade K-8 students can go outside if the combined temperature and wind chill is 0 degrees or above, barring special circumstances, such as excessive ice. Please be sure to dress your child warmly! Students should remember to bring hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, coats, snow pants and boots. They may want to bring an extra fleece to wear, as well as an extra pair of socks in case theirs get wet. Please remember to label these items with your child's name!

Parents invited to "How to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Abuse"
District 58 and nonprofit Darkness to Light will host a free virtual webinar, "Talk to Children About Sexual Abuse" on Wednesday, Feb. 17 and Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 6:30-8 p.m. via Zoom. The Feb. 17 webinar filled quickly, so District 58 added the Feb. 24 webinar option.

To sign up for the Feb. 24 webinar, please click here. (If you previously signed up for the Feb. 17 webinar and would prefer to attend Feb. 24, simply complete the new registration form.)
Registrants will receive a Zoom link prior to the webinar.

The webinar will supplement the age-appropriate Erin’s Law sexual abuse lessons students receive at school and give parents tools to start these sensitive conversations with their children at home.

First priority registration for Grove Children's Preschool due Feb. 16
Grade K-8 student registration will open in April
Grove Children’s Preschool is now accepting tuition applications for the 2021-22 school year. Grove is an award-winning preschool program located at Henry Puffer and Indian Trail schools and serves children ages 3-5 who live within District 58 boundaries. First priority registration is due on Tuesday, Feb. 16. Learn more and apply at

Registration for students entering grades K-8 will open online in April 2021. We will share more information on District 58 registration in the coming weeks!
District 58 teacher Christina Diaz featured in prominent education blog
The Math Learning Center, creator of District 58's math curriculum, recently featured District 58's dual language teacher Christina Diaz in their blog! They highlighted how Ms. Diaz creatively uses "remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making."

Ms. Diaz did a fantastic job highlighting how she connects with students using Seesaw, even while remote, and how Seesaw helps enhance the District's math curriculum. Thank you, Ms. Diaz, for representing District 58! View the blog post.

Photo taken in August 2019 on the first day of school at Kingsley.
District 58 gets energized for 2021 with #OneWord2021
During the Jan. 4 Teacher Institute Day, Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell challenged District 58 staff to select one word to focus on in 2021. Many District 58 staff shared their #OneWord2021 on Twitter, and some even invited their students to participate as well! EL Coordinator Rozana Johnson created this 2.5 minute video highlighting some of our words for 2021! Check it out!
February School Board Meeting recap
The District 58 Board of Education held a monthly Business Meeting on Monday, Feb. 8. The meeting included a Bond Issue Notification Act hearing, Pierce Downer presentation, Education Foundation spotlight, District 58 winter assessment data snapshot, credit rating update, Longfellow Center update and much more. Read the Board meeting preview for more information. The Board Briefs newsletter, which recaps the entire meeting, will be published at later this week.
Looking ahead
The Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. at Longfellow and via Zoom to vote on the proposal to sell bonds in the amount of $3.335 million to fund critical capital projects in the District.

The Board will also hold an Instructional Workshop on Monday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. at O'Neill Middle School and via the District's YouTube livestream. During this Feb. 22 meeting, the District will report its instructional planning committee work and any third trimester learning model recommendations. View the BoardDocs the Friday before each meeting for the meeting agenda.
DGJWC invites Herrick and O'Neill students to enter art contest
The Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club invites District 58 seventh and eighth graders to submit an original art piece, in any form, to the annual Junior High Art Contest!

To participate, students must create the artwork, make and upload a video of their artwork, and submit their written interpretation of their piece.

Please click here to access the art contest application. Submissions are due Wednesday, Feb. 17. Winners will be notified the week of Feb. 22.

Pictured: the 2019 Junior High Art Contest winners.
Community e-flyers
Monday, Feb. 15
Presidents Day - No School

Tuesday, Feb. 16
Priority deadline for Grove Children's Preschool tuition applications
7-8 a.m.: Policy Committee Meeting at the ASC/Zoom
6 p.m.: Special Board Meeting at Longfellow/Zoom

Wednesday, Feb. 17
6:30-8 p.m.: "Talking to Children About Sexual Abuse" webinar
Friday, Feb. 19
7:30-9 a.m.: District 58 Legislative Forum via Zoom

Monday, Feb. 22
3:45-5:15 p.m.: District Leadership Team Meeting at O'Neill
7 p.m.: Board Instructional Workshop Meeting at O'Neill and via YouTube

Wednesday, Feb. 24
3:45-4:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee Meeting at the ASC/Zoom
6:30-8 p.m: "Talking to Children About Sexual Abuse" webinar

Friday, Feb. 26
Teacher Institute Day - No School for Students
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |