World Refugee Day 2018

In marking World Refugee Day, the United Nations notes that on any given day thousands of families are fleeing from their homes to escape violence. Check out the map published by UNHCR and Carnegie Mellon, which represents the movements of these refugees around the globe from 2000 to 2016.  The UN established World Refugee Day to increase awareness among all people that those fleeing war and oppression are not a burden, but a responsibilty
for all of us. It's an occasion to demonstrate support for the millions forced to flee.

Throughout most of its existence, the United States has been at the forefront in terms of assisting the uprooted.  The current administration is attempting to dismantle the entire idea America is built on.  

What can you do?  Below you'll find a toolkit to learn more about various informational and action items, from calling your Member of Congress to learning more about the global refugee crisis, as well as the impact Trump's family separation is having on people fleeing terror.

NNIC also needs you.  We have many families who are currently in temporary housing waiting for more permanent homes.  We are also beginning to see other migrant populations, such as asylum seekers and victims of trafficking who need our help.  Consider donating to NNIC to assist us in serving these clients to the best of our ability.  For example, we recently resettled a family of seven from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Pascal and his family of four young children and a 76-year old grandma will do everything they can to be successful in our country.  Pascal will provide a modest income for his family to survive.  All they need is our assistance for a head start for a successful life in Northern Nevada.   

Here's all the information you need to learn more


Read Refugee Council USA's statement in response to Attorney General Sessions' decision in yesterday's AB case as it relates to asylum claims and domestic violence. Amplification is appreciated.

Family Separation- Follow Families Belong for events or @familiesbelong on Twitter.  Women's Refugee Council prepared this backgrounder on the Flores Settlement Agreement and family separation to help explain what Flores is and isn't, and that Flores does not require the family separation policies we're seeing today and is not a loophole. Please share widely including with congressional staff.

This new music video depicts the tragic story of a Syrian refugee family as told to an American refugee camp volunteer, who promises to bear witness to their plight, their dignity and their courage. This production was a collaboration between a Boston immigration lawyer (who wrote the song) and Berklee College of Music musicians, vocalists and professors, including many from countries impacted by the U.S. Travel Ban.  Please share! 

The UNHCR World Refugee Day website is     With more people fleeing war and persecution than ever before, we aim to mobilize global and U.S. public support and challenge society to do something to stand with refugees. We also aim to counter stereotypes and show that refugees and internally displaced people are simply ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances.  In the toolkit you will find the story of Bertine, a resettled refugee originally from Democratic Republic of the Congo. When fleeing Congo's war, he became separated from his family and lived in a refugee camp for 5 years. Now resettled in the United States, Bertine has been reunited with his brothers and is building a new life with his young family in Wyoming where he is the principal of an elementary school. You will also find additional stories about refugees around the world, ways to share them on social media, and ways to engage with UNHCR.  Download the toolkit here.  Hashtags: #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay


The National Immigration Forum just released a helpful report on the economic contributions of refugees provides relevant information here.


Thanks so much for your interest in learning more and for your support of resettlement efforts in Northern Nevada.


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