Montana Audubon Center News
February 2021
Dear   ,

It's finally been cold enough to go out on the ice at the Montana Audubon Center, and kids and adults alike have been loving it! Our Fledglings and Flyers recently had an Ice Olympics Family Day, which was one of the best family days ever, according to Sarah Chatwood, our Fledglings Preschool Coordinator. 

Of course, it's always important to remember ice safety, including when you can take your AT-AT on Deep Mill Pond. Please reference the ice safety graphic below from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (that we also use for our own programs) for more details:

I hope you are able to enjoy being outside this winter at the Center and wherever you are, and please remember these guidelines whenever going out on a seemingly frozen lake or pond, and use a drill or ice auger to determine ice thickness (and check with us before you bring your pet Godzilla).

Best wishes to you all,

Gabi Morey
Center Director

Welcome, Miranda!

Miranda is our new Big Sky Watershed Corps member, and we're thrilled that they are here. They are from a foothill suburb outside Los Angeles and attended university in the redwoods of northern California at Humboldt State University. They earned a B.S. in Environmental Science with a focus in Ecological Restoration. Miranda appreciates all aspects of ecology and nature, but has a particular attraction to plants. They have worked on a conservation field crew throughout southern and eastern California, interned as a field technician for BLM in eastern Oregon, and apprenticed as a horticulturist at a native plant nursery in Los Angeles. In their free time, Miranda loves exploring, hiking, and eating. Miranda also loves sharing and growing plants for all creatures to enjoy!

Preschool Registration Coming Soon

Fledglings Preschool and Flyers Kindergarten registration is opening on March 1 for new families! Registration will be entirely online this year. Please call with questions prior to March 1 to ensure your registration goes smoothly. All the details can be found on our website
Time to think about summer!

Big News! Summer Camp 2021 is happening and registration for members-only will launch Wednesday, March 3rd. Members not only receive early registration, but they also get 10% off of summer camp! Registration will be open to the public Monday, March 15th. Become a member today!

Spring Field Trips at the Center

Spring is a wonderful time to bring your private or school group to the Audubon Center for a field trip! We are open year-round for field trips, but if you're interested in bringing a group during our popular spring months of April and May, please schedule with us soon. Spring offerings include canoeing, nature walks to the Yellowstone, birding, macro-invertebrate collection, native plants and their traditional uses, and tracking. Other curricula and customizable options are available upon request. 

The safety of our participants and staff continues to be our number one priority. As such we are continuing to require the use of face masks in most settings, prioritizing outdoor programs, and frequent sanitization and cleaning. To read more about our COVID-19 response please visit our website

To schedule your group or find out more about field trip offerings, contact Alina Garner
Community Programs

We are pleased to be able to offer community programs that get you and your family outdoors, enjoying the Montana Audubon Center! To ensure everyone's safety during this unprecedented time, programs are held outside and are limited in size. 

A Sense of Place: Readings in Natural History
Thursdays from Feb 11 - March 11 at 11am - 12pm 
Join nature lovers from across the country as we discuss our sense of place. Each week a partner nature center will offer natural history readings centered in their region and engage participants in a discussion. This class provides a chance to gather virtually with others to discuss our connection with the land, learn about different ecosystems, and share our own nature-connection experiences. Participating states include Montana, Ohio, New Mexico, and Florida. Take a virtual tour of the nation through natural history writings this winter!
$25/person or $22/members

Nature Nuts Preschool Program
Every Tuesday 10 - 11am
Nature exploration comes naturally, especially for little kids! Children ages 1 to 4 (and an accompanying adult) join our teacher naturalists for guided outdoor play and learning about the local area. Suggested donation $5/child or free for members. Advanced registration required.

February Themes: Winter Wonderland
Feb. 2nd- Rock Hunt
Feb. 9th- Nature Valentines
Feb. 16th- Frozen Pond Exploration
Feb. 23rd- Fun in the Snow or Explore the West End

New Moon Night Hike
Tuesday February 9th at 7 - 8:30pm
Discover the mystery and magic of the world outdoors at night. During this unique guided experience, we'll tap into our own sensory awareness and mindfulness as we experiment with our ability to navigate in the darkness. We'll also discuss how different types of animals have adapted to thrive at night.
Bring a mask, warm layers, a flashlight and good walking shoes. 
$10/person or $5/members - become a member today!
Advance registration is required by clicking here

Bird Stroll 
Saturday, February 13th from 8:30 - 10am
Enjoy a morning stroll by the river and learn a few birds along the way. Great for beginning birders. Binoculars and guidebooks available to check out. 
Bird Stroll suggested donation $10/adults, $5/students, or free for members. 
In order to limit group size, advance registration is required by clicking here.

Weekend Wonders Family Program  
Saturday, February 20th from 9:30 - 11am 
These naturalist-led programs are designed for all ages of explorers. Every month features a different topic that will get you and your family outdoors, learning about the plants and animals in our big backyard. 
Suggested donation $5/person or free for members

February Theme: Animals in Winter

What do animals do all winter? Come learn about how animals deal with winter and what factors make it difficult. Create and insulate your own animal to test how warm it can stay outside. Discover all sorts of animal adaptations while exploring artifacts like skulls, pelts, and taxidermied animals.

Open House - Winter Edition
Saturday, February 20th from 11am - 3pm
Come down to explore and enjoy the great outdoors. Ask a naturalist your essential questions about animals and plants. Borrow field guides and binoculars, test your tracking skills, or complete a winter scavenger hunt!  Advanced registration required

Winter Walk with a Naturalist
Tuesday February 23 from 4-5:30pm
Although the world is seemingly more barren in winter, there's much we can learn about nature at this cold and dark time of year. Join us to make observations, follow our curiosity, and share naturalist knowledge with each other. We'll meet at the Center and go wherever our curiosity takes us! Bring a mask, warm layers, and any naturalist tools you like to use (binoculars, field guides, magnifying glasses, journals, etc.). We'll also have some equipment you can borrow. 
Suggested donation $10/person or $5/members
Advance registration is required by clicking here.

Owl Prowl
Saturday March 6 from 4 - 5:30
 Come learn all about owls and the amazing adaptations that allow them to be skilled hunters and denizens of the night. We'll talk about the different species of owls that live in the area, and go for a hike to look and listen for them. Please bring a mask and a flashlight. 

Suggested donation $5/members, $10/non-member, and free for children under 12
Advance registration is required by clicking here.

Montana Master Naturalist spring course registration now open!

This 40-hour course is designed for adults who want to deepen their knowledge of the natural world. We'll explore everything from birds and insects to geology and plant ID. You'll hone your naturalist skills as we practice journaling, animal tracking, and the art of observation. Our spring course begins on March 25th and will feature a combination of weekly online classes and in-person classes held outdoors. Learn more and register today on our website.

Learn more about our COVID protocols for programs here.

preschool kid group in winter field
Volunteer News Highlights

Monthly Hike with MAC Staff
Thursday, February 4th, 11-12:30
Join other volunteers and staff for a hike among some of the Center's 3 miles of trails. This casual hike allows for wonderful chats and a way to connect with others. Meet in the lower parking lot, at the picnic table.    

Great Backyard Bird Count & Climate Watch Hike
Friday, February 12th, 10-11:30
Participate and learn about both of these fun bird focused citizen science survey opportunities while stretching your legs outside.

Afterschool In Nature Volunteer Aides; 1-2 Needed
Wednesdays, February 3rd-26th
Topic: Winter Wonders. Explore the outdoors this winter with our afterschool kids! Participants engage in fun outdoor play and interactions that can only be done in winter.

Check out more opportunities with the Volunteer Program here!
Time to Renew or Join!

Become a member of Montana Audubon Center today!

Benefits include:

Free entry to recurring programs
Free canoe use at Saturday Open Houses
Discounts on classes and programs
Early registration for select programs
Montana Audubon printed newsletter (2x/year)

Not to mention the joy of supporting the high quality outdoor, nature-based programs that reach thousands of people yearly, in Billings, Montana. 

Membership levels start at just $30/year

For more details and to sign up to be a member, visit our website.
Thank you!

Thanks so much to all those who share in our vision and our work - we truly
couldn't do it without you and your support. Thank you to the following individuals, organizations, and corporations that made contributions to our programs, including through membership, in the month of January. 

Cheryl Messina
Susan and Russell Plath
Mary Francis
Brittne Enright
Marlena Lanini
Chanel Vigil-Lewis
Mark Nitz
Michelle Schraudner
Karen Thompson
Chelsey Dahlstrom
Lauren Dubell
Linda and Joe Pickard
Lana Halverson
Jim and Lillian Hartung
Carolanne Rohrs
Valerie Martin Meier

Montana Audubon Center

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