SB 882 (Wiener) Needs Your Support! 
Call, Tweet, & Email Key Senators Today

It's a long road to the Governor's desk and it's your support that will get us there. The next step? Win the support of Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

SB 882 (Wiener) would make it easier for eligible low-income Californians to sign up and stay connected to CalFresh, particularly older adults and people with disabilities. As the number of  new CalFresh applications surges due to spiking unemployment, now is the time to make permanent improvements to ease access to CalFresh.

SB 882(Wiener): CalFresh-Simpler for Seniors
SB 882(Wiener): CalFresh-Simpler for Seniors

CFPA and the bill co-sponsors, the SF-Marin Food Bank, AARP-CA, and the California Association of Food Banks, would like to thank Senator Wiener for his leadership in authoring SB 882. We are also grateful to all who expressed their support for the bill.  No one should go hungry in the great state of California, and it is our collective responsibility to use all the tools we have to make it easier to access our most powerful anti-hunger tool, CalFresh.

Join us in asking the Committee to move the bill on to the Senate Floor!

1) Call and/or email the following Senators: 
Prioritize your outreach to Senator Anthony Portantino (D-Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena), the Chair of the Committee on Appropriations and Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins. This should take you just a few minutes.
Please also spend a few minutes contacting your Senator if they are listed below as members of the committee:
Sample script:
Hi, my name is _____ and I live in ______. I'm calling to urge Senator ______ to support SB 882, a bill that will make it easier for people to access CalFresh, our most powerful anti-hunger program. It is urgent that we simplify the CalFresh application process as more and more people are out of work and need help putting food on the table. SB 882 will make permanent improvements to the program, especially for older adults and people with disabilities. Please support SB 882. Thank you. [Or choose one or more of the following reasons or tell them your own]
  • Californians struggling to make ends meet during the COVID-19 crisis need quick access to CalFresh, but the process is often overly complicated. We need SB 882 to simplify access to food assistance.
  • Only 19% of eligible adults age 60+ receive CalFresh. SB 882 make it easier for people, especially seniors, to enroll and stay connected to our most powerful anti-hunger program.
  • CalFresh applications are up more than 200% due to spiking unemployment. We need SB 882 to simplify access and keep people connected to food assistance during and after this crisis.
2) Get loud on social media!  Click here for sample tweets

3) Help Spread the Word  Here is a one-page document  with sample emails, calls and tweets that you can share with partners and colleagues.

Thank you for your support! Stay up to date on SB 882 as it advances through the Legislature, and receive timely calls to action to make your voice heard in support of improved CalFresh access. Sign up to receive our email action alerts at

Questions?  Contact: Jared Call