Were you planning on attending the Waldorf 100 "Learn to Change the World" Conference? So were we.

We're saddened not to have the opportunity to deliver our workshops on Cyber Civics in person, but one of the wonderful things about technology is that we can offer you the same workshops, on the same dates, on Zoom! From the comfort of your home or school you can join us for one or both of of these webinars for Waldorf schools:

Teaching Cyber Civics Level 1: Digital Citizenship
Wed., June 24, 9 - 10 a.m., PST

For the teacher new to Cyber Civics, this webinar will explain what Cyber Civics is, show you how to access the lessons, and demonstrate how easy it is to engage students in hands-on activities that teach them the appropriate and responsible use of technology.

Register Here (registration required)

Teaching Cyber Civics Level 2 & 3: Information Literacy & Media Literacy
Thurs., June 25, 9-10 a.m. PST

For the teacher delivering one or both of these levels in 2020-21 (or the school considering adding these levels), we'll introduce you to information and media literacy and show you how hands-on lessons on these topics give students the critical thinking skills they so desperately need today.

Register Here (registration required)

"See" you there!

Diana Graber | Founder | dgraber@cybercivics.com
Peter Kelley | Outreach Director | peter@cybercivics.com
Arias Collins | Community Engagement | arias@cybercivics.com