Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 117-June 2018 

I hope your summer is in full 'fun' mode. My legs are sore from TWO hikes this past weekend in the Great Smoky Mountains. Hot and fun! Here I am with my good friend, Celeste, an awesome second grade teacher from Kentucky and avid hiker. I felt really out of shape, but I loved the peacefulness of the woods. I hope you get the chance to enjoy nature some this summer.
Mermaid Writing for your student
Is your favorite merkid a budding author? Here's a chance to write for my MerStyle magazine! Ask your merfan to write a short article (after reading the existing MerStyle magazines #1, #2, and #3). A parent or guardian can email it with their permission to have it published in the next MerStyle magazine. A fan, Kaleigh, had her short royalty article published in MerStyles Magazine #3. Have fun with sizzling summer writing!
Favorites from Social Media:
Tee-hee! Thanks for putting Fairy Chase on a #1 list on Amazon!

World Read Aloud Day-I am already scheduling for free
Skype read-alouds for World Read Aloud Day, so I hope you'll get on the bandwagon! It is February 1st, 2019. If you don't have your schedule yet, just give me your name and I can put you on my list and we can firm up the time later. Contact me here.

     I hope you get the time tor read some fun stories  this summer. Scholastic's Lucky book club has some fun summer reads and I'm pleased to say Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp is among them. Howling good fun!