Here is today's summary of economic development news, a free service of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, representing Alabama's private sector investment in economic development.  If you enjoy NewsFlash, thank an EDPA Partner.


In this issue:

Alabama-built rocket powers launch
By  Tim Howe
If you ever want to know how something gets into space, spend time with the people involved in the mission on the day of a launch. The anticipation and excitement in their voices and on their faces tells you everything you need to know.

People make it possible.

And, this morning, it was people from Alabama's turn to send something to space.
Early Sunday, the Parker Solar Probe lifted off in Cape Canaveral, FL, atop United Launch Alliance's Delta IV Heavy rocket built in Decatur, AL. The rocket from ULA's Decatur plant will allow the Parker probe to fly seven times closer to the sun and more effectively study solar winds, which disrupt satellites and cause power outages.


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