Tuesday, February 2, 2021


At the beginning of the year the PGCC staff each chose a one year devotional to use. Today, Lois shares an inspiration and encouragement she received from the devotional she is using.

The devotional I have been using daily for the 10-days or so is called “Unshakeable” by Christine Caine. Christine “is an Australian-born, Greek-blooded lover of Jesus” who “founded the anti-human trafficking organization, the A21 Campaign.” She writes in her introduction, “Everything in our world that can be shaken will be shaken, from a global scale to our personal lives. And yet, the Bible assures us it doesn’t matter what happens politically, morally, socially, or economically in the world around us if we have Christ in us – if we have the kingdom of God within us – because with Christ and in Christ, we can have unshakeable faith.”
The devotional I read from this book today really spoke to me and stirred my heart. It is called, “JUST SAY YES.” The scripture referenced was I Thessalonians 5:24, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” The gist of the devotional is that the people of God live a risky life as we believe Him, trust Him, and step out in faith. Living this way means that we often exchange “the known for the unknown, the predictable for the unpredictable, the comfortable for the uncomfortable” but all this comes with the promise that our God, the one who calls us, “is faithful and he will do it.”
Even though I have walked with God for 51 years, every time I entered a period of transition, fear begins to stir up in my heart and I start considering the “what if’s.” You know how that goes ... “What if things don’t work out as planned?” “What if he/she doesn’t keep their promise?” “What if I am not skilled enough to do the thing God has asked me to do?” What if? What if? Then, God gently reminds me of His faithfulness over our 51 years together and helps me refocus on my role which is simply to say, “YES!”
I imagine you have played the “What if” game as well at times. However, today I have been reminded that people of God are called to live a risky life. Sure, there will always be “What if's,” but “the one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” This has encouraged me today and I share it in hopes it will encourage you as well.

Here are the devotionals the staff have chosen to use this year. We share them in case you would like to join us.

Pastor Scott: Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff
Pastor Phil: Hearing God Through the Year by Dallas Willard
Lois Coady: Unshakeable by Christine Caine
Brandon Young: Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

Other Recommendations:
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
You are the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
A Year with CS Lewis
My Daily Pursuit by AW Tozer
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

We can use contributions of:
  • Devotional thoughts (400-700 words, Pastor Phil will edit)
  • Artwork (photos, drawings, paintings, crafts, etc.)
  • Humor
  • Recipes (for Pastor Phil to try to make while filming)

Please email your contributions to: 1730pgccoffice@gmail.com

THANKS! Our emails are a blessing because of what you contribute.
can food
Starts Sunday

The first Sunday (and the following week) of every month we collect food for the local St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank. Next week, please bring by nonperishable food items and leave them in the grey tote by the west doors under the portico.


Pick Up Your Communion Elements
This Sunday at the Church
9-10 AM
And say hello to a pastor!

Drive through the portico on the west side of the church and we will hand you your prepackaged communion cup(s) and wafer. Then, take communion as you watch this Sunday's worship service video.

You can also drop off food for our SVDP Food Collection at the same time.
This season will be ONLINE ONLY using Zoom. 

Even though we can't be in person yet, we can still support each other and understand the journey others are on. Whether you lost someone in death six months ago or 15 years ago, you can find help within our grief group and, in fact, you may be the person someone else needs to hear from. I have been a Grief Share Facilitator for 11 years and still learn from others experiences. 

Don't let Zoom keep you away!
We can help you learn how to use Zoom on your computer

Grief Share provides a caring environment to find you’re not alone as you learn to walk a “new normal” after the death of someone close to you. This course will help you find joy in life as you walk with God through this difficult time.

Tuesdays, 1-2 pm
starts February 16th
Workbook cost is $15.00

If interested, contact Kay Thomson at katie.thomson@yahoo.com.
This time, Pastor Phil tries making Don Woods' recipe for spiced apple pie, crust and all. Does he succeed or make a big mess? Click on the video above to find out. To get Don Woods apple pie recipe CLICK HERE.

Share your recipe with us by emailing to 1730pgccoffice@gmail.com and Pastor Phil will try to make it for everyone's entertainment.

Prayer and praise requests can be sent to prayerandpraisetree@gmail.com and will be sent out to our church prayer tree.

If you would like to pray for church prayer requests, please email the church and request to be added to the Prayer Tree Team.

You can GIVE by:
  1. Mail addressed to the Church at 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747.
  2. Online through our website, www.pgcc.church, or by clicking on the blue button below.

If you need assistance setting up your Online Giving, please call Cyndi at the office, Mon-Thu, 916-771-4447. Leave a message if no one answers.
If you are not automatically getting these emails...
Pleasant Grove Community Church
1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 771-4447 www.pgcc.church
Email: 1730pgccoffice@gmail.com