Impact in Honduras 

The Hickory Withe Baptist church, Hickory Withe Community, TN (where we live) went to the beautiful nation of Honduras with us and did an Impact for Christ led by Missions Pastor, Daniel Jerkins.  
Everyone enjoyed the beautiful country of Honduras!!
Missions Pastor, Daniel Jerkins, preaching at the nightly Spiritual Awakening Worship Service to a packed house.
The team taught 3 Leadership conferences for men, women, and young adults, gave out reading glasses, and shared the gospel in schools.
Women's Conference led by Link Ellis, (shown here) and Jill Snodgrass.
Mark Oliver and Jenna and Stacey Vickers shared Jesus with hundreds of children.
Micah Kivelle (youth pastor), Courtney Rush, and Anna Brawner taught the young adults.
Young adults enjoying praise and worship.

McKensie O'Brien, Christopher Sandusky, Linda Garrett, Lizzy Brawner (shown here) all shared the gospel with those waiting for the reading glasses which they then gave away to the community.
Wade and Pr. Daniel Jerkins taught at the Pastors/Mens conference each day. Robbie served as the intrepreter.
Facebook video report
Jan-July 31, 2018

  • Views: 5,614,855
  • People who wrote in "comment" after watching video that they received Christ: 4,564

21 PE Training Bukombe, Tanzania
22 PE Training Tinde, Tanzania
27-30 North Monroe Baptist, Monroe, LA; Impact ministry in Bwanga, Tanzania

2-6 Weems Creek Baptist, Annapolis, MD; Impact ministry in Kahama,
13-15: 3 PE Trainings in Kitale, Kenya with Bellevue Baptist teams.
18-20 Nampula, Mozambique PE Training and 2 teams from Bellevue Baptist
in other cities
24-29 Punjab, India

1-3 Uttar Pradesh, India
4-6 West Bengal, India

2574 Christmasville Cove
Suite H, Jackson, TN 38305
Jackson, TN 38305-3697
Phone: (731) 668-1893
Fax: (731) 668-3940
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