August 2018
SWACCA President Instrumental in 
Defeating "Right to Work" Proposition A

* All DISCA contractor members are members of the Signatory Wall and Ceilings Contractor Alliance (SWACCA), by virtue of DISCA as an organization joining SWACCA. SWACCA is a national association built by union contractors, working for union contractors. Incorporated in November 2015 by nine contractors, with the support of their regional associations, SWACCA identified the need for an independent, national organization to exclusively represent the unique interests of union-signatory wall and ceiling contractors. SWACCA's mission is to protect and grow the market share of its members while promoting and enhancing the signatory wall and ceiling industry. 

Industry News
Upcoming Labor Day Holiday Pay

As a reminder, Monday, September 3rd is Labor Day.  Both Keystone Mountain Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters and IUPAT DC 711 recognize the day as: Unpaid, if worked, double time.

For jobs covered by a Project Labor Agreement, the provisions in the PLA will prevail.

Does not apply to Foremen. 

SWACCA Submits Joint Letter to the Joint Select Committee 
on the Solvency of Multi-employer Plans

SWACCA recently submitted a letter, jointly signed with other leading national construction employer associations, to the co-chairs of the Joint Select Committee on the Solvency of Multi-employer Plans.

Events & Programs

Membership Meeting

DISCA presents: AWCI's Doing It Right® - Exterior Envelopes

Join DISCA on Thursday, September 13th at The Stone House at Stirling Ridge. Breakfast begins at 8am. 
AWCI Executive Conference

2018 Industry Exec Conference

September 25 - 28, 2018
Join other Industry Executives atThe Hilton Palacio del Rio in 
San Antonio, TX.