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CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace
Pathways To Peace is Honored to Present 
Three Events at the United Nations 
Commission on the Status of Women 2021 (CSW65)
For the first time, all UN CSW parallel events are virtual and open to the public!
We are excited about joining other presenters and presentations from around the world - committed to addressing women's issues and inspiring women's action!

To attend our events, you must sign up on the CSW65 virtual platform. Attendees can sign up for an account hereYou will receive an email from the organizers granting you access. You can then RSVP for our events or any of the hundreds of others! 

There is no cost to register or attend. You'll see presentations and presenters from around the globe. And, we hope to see you at one or all of our events!

 Please join us. Attendees can sign up for an account here.
We look forward to seeing you.

Peacebuilding Around Our World: Your Pathways To Peace!

Quote of the Day

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
                                                                             - Albert Einstein
About Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative
Incorporated in 1983, Pathways to Peace (PTP) is an international organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to promote Peacebuilding, Peace education, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact.
For more information about Pathways to Peace, please visit our website:  

This newsletter comes to you from Pathways To Peace (PTP), steward of the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) newsletter. PTP is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, whose work would not be possible without our volunteers and your support. If you would like to support Pathways To Peace and Peace Day activities around the globe, you can do so by clicking the Donation Button above. A heartfelt thank you from the Pathways To Peace Team! 

Thank You!
Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977