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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                                  July 2018
In This Issue
Call for Abstracts for IFNC14
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference Committee News
IFNA Community News
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Call for Abstracts for #IFNC14 Now Open:
July to October 19, 2018

The IFNA Conference Committee invites you to submit your abstracts for IFNC14 Social Determinants of Family Health: Expanding Family Nursing Capacity, August 13-16, 2019 in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  Abstracts will need to address the conference objectives in the areas of family nursing Education, Practice, Research, and Policy/Leadership. The Call for Abstracts opened in mid-July and will remain open until October 19, 2018.  
The IFNA Practice Committee is leading an initiative to track and document the dissemination of the IFNA Position Statements.
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The IFNA Practice Committee continues to add to the growing list of resources related to the IFNA Response to the Global Refugee Crisis: Caring for Refugee Families.

For more IFNA Practice News [
Dr. Joan Clites (USA) is an associate professor at California University of Pennsylvania in California, Pennsylvania, where she teaches and facilitates a 6-credit theory and clinical Family Health Nursing Course for the RN to BSN program. She is interested in grandparents who are parenting their grandchildren for a variety of reasons.  Dr. Clites is a new member of the IFNA Education Committee. [Read more]   
The IFNA Education Committee has developed a new IFNA Position Statement on Graduate Family Nursing Education . This IFNA Position Statement is a companion to the IFNA Position Statement on Pre-Licensure Family Nursing Education (2013).

Dr. Donna Curry (USA), a member of the IFNA Education Committee who led the development of the IFNA Position Statement on Graduate Family Nursing Education, will be offering a webinar about the new IFNA Position Statement on Graduate Family Nursing Education on August 24, 2018, 9:00am-10:00am Eastern. This webinar is free to IFNA members. [Register now]   
For more IFNA Education News [
Rita Leal and Dr. Marilia Rua (Portugal) University of Aveiro, focus their research on family factors that influence breastfeeding. In a recent study they used the Calgary Family Assessment Model and a novel virtual snowball sampling recruitment strategy. Given their encouraging results of family influence on self-reported breastfeeding success and duration, the study is being extended nationwide in Portugal. [Read more]

Dr. Carole A. Robinson (Canada) University of British Columbia, Okanagan, conducts research on understanding and supporting families living with life-limiting illness. Over the last 6 years and multiple studies, Dr. Robinson and colleagues developed a Family Caregiver Decision Support Guide   based on internationally recognized standards for patient decision aids.

For more IFNA Research News [
Conference Hashtag: #IFNC14. Please use this hashtag in all of your social media conversations. #IFNC14 has been registered on the Healthcare Hashtag Project website which links this conference to key words such as "nursing" and "family health" and generates metrics about the reach of the #IFNC14 hashtag. Check this website to see who are "The influencers of #IFNC14".
The IFNA Conference Committee has developed a helpful list of resources related to IFNC14: 
Follow the IFNA blog.
Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) is a member of the IFNA Communications Committee.
IFNA Board of Directors has recently approved a Core Values statement for IFNA: " The International Family Nursing Association embraces a compassionate family focus on health, social justice, human dignity, and respect for all."

Please remember to cite all of the IFNA Position Statements in your publications, course outlines, and conference presentations. Please share the IFNA Position Statements with local and national nursing and health care leaders and organizations. Social media toolkits are available for each IFNA Position Statement. Use hashtag #IFNAPosition in your social media conversations.

Dr. Lorraine Wright (Canada) and Dr. Janice Bell (Canada) will be offering a 4-day Family Externship in Akureyi, Iceland, October 9-12, 2018.  The workshop will focus on increasing competence and confidence in generalist and advanced practice with families and is open to all health care professionals. Register here.

IFNA Listserv
Do you know that you have access to IFNA members from around the world through a group email?  All IFNA members can post a question to the IFNA listserv or share family nursing information and resources. The IFNA listserv can be accessed by using this email address: When sending a message, please be sure to include your personal contact information so that members can respond to you directly.

Please do not "reply all" to listserv messages; doing so often causes multiple, and sometimes unnecessary, emails to ALL members.

Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
@IFNAorg, #IFNC14, #familynursing, #familyhealth,
#familyhealing, #IFNAPosition

This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by Dr. Janice M. Bell (Canada), co-chair of the IFNA Communications Committee