BNSF Currently Testing SENSRsi

SENSR Litmus Test

In part one of this series, SENSR President Walt Bleser shared some of our highlights from Railway Interchange 2017 in Indianapolis. From our trade show booth to our customer dinner, feedback from event attendees and customers was fantastic.

In particular, we received feedback from Alan Bloomquist (pictured), Assistant Director of Heavy Bridges at BNSF, who has been one of the select customers testing the new SENSRsi before it launches.

"I'm loving this. Being able to watch the reaction of the abutment in real time is amazing. Gives me confidence that we aren't doing anything permanently damaging," said Alan after receiving a SENSRsi email alert. "There is no way a surveyor could match this level of monitoring with traditional equipment. I feel like I'm living in the future."

This is a great example of SENSRsi's value in this industry, so we decided to ask Alan a few questions about his experience. Read the first question and answer below, and find the rest in Walt Bleser's latest LinkedIn post.

Q: What sets SENSRsi apart from other methods of bridge monitoring?

A: The true distinction we have seen so far is the interaction between the SENSR team, BNSF and the contractor. SENSR's team of engineers can all communicate directly about issues in an informed way and provide expert opinions on what may be happening. We aren't just getting a dump of data with no interpretation.

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111 Cooperative Way, Suite 100
Georgetown, TX 78626
