The Weekly News - August 1, 2018


  • Program Year Kickoff Events
  • Where's Waldo?
  • Did You Sign In?
  • St. Christopher's Social Media
  • Dates for Your Calendar
August Events to Kick Off the Program Year

Schools are starting in August and we are starting our 2018-2019 program year to coincide. Three events are planned to kick things off. We encourage you to put all three of these Sunday events on your calendar and join us for the fun, fellowship, and learning.

  • Backpack Blessing | Sunday, August 12, 10:00 am
  • Rally Day/Parish Picnic | Sunday, August 19, 11:30 am
  • Ministry Fair | Sunday, August 26, 11:30 am
Backpack Blessing

Start the program year off right on Sunday, August 12 at the 10:00 am service. Bring your backpack to church to be blessed. The Backpack Blessing isn't just for kids. If you are no longer a student, bring your briefcase or work bag. We will pray not only for the children and teens who are returning to school, but the teachers and other adults whose work blesses our community.
Rally Day / Parish Picnic

On Sunday, August 19, following the 10:00 am service, St. Christopher’s will hold a parish picnic in the Parish Hall. Please plan to dress in “picnic wear” for church that day. Weather permitting, we’ll open the doors to the lawn on the Main Street side of the Parish Hall and enjoy food, fellowship, and fun together. Watch The Weekly News, Sunday bulletin, and message boards for details including when to sign up and what to bring.
Ministry Fair

Parishioners and Friends of St. Christopher’s are invited to take part in a Ministry Fair on Sunday, August 26, in the Parish Hall following the 10:00 am service. The theme for the 2018 Ministry Fair is: “Blessed Be the Tie that Binds: Connecting & Serving at St. Christopher’s.” The theme comes from the old hymn, reminding us of the ways we are connected to one another through all the ways we serve in Christ’s name.

Please put the Ministry Fair on your calendar now and join us on August 26!
Are you missing Waldo?

Perhaps there are parishioners who, like the hard-to-find Waldo, haven’t been seen for awhile. Please let us know who is missing. There is a small white treasure chest in the narthex into which you can place names of our much-treasured missing parishioners. The little treasure chest is also a good place to put your prayer requests. Note paper is provided for you.
Invitations went out. Did you get yours?

Members of St. Christopher's who have email should have received an invitation last Thursday to sign-in to Realm, our upgraded system. We know of only 18 persons who do not have email and another half-dozen who haven't yet provided an email address to the church office. If you did not get an email inviting you to sign in, please send an email to our Parish Administrator, Anita Walker: Please provide your name, the names of your family members, your telephone number and your preferred email address(s).

The system primarily serves the administrative needs of our clergy and staff, but it also will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other. Realm provides the function most often requested by members of the parish: an online directory. For the directory to be helpful, we need everyone to sign in and update their contact information and privacy settings.

Important note: If you are part of a family that uses one email address, an adult member of the family should check and update contact information and privacy settings for all members of your family.

Most found the system easy to use. For those who had difficulty, the most often-cited issue was signing in from a smart phone. Do not sign in the first time with the app. Instead, copy and paste the link found in your email invitation into a web browser such as Edge, Chrome, FireFox, or Safari. Realm does not support Internet Explorer for Windows.

How are we doing on sign-ins? As of today, 77 have signed in and updated contact information and privacy settings. So, if you have not yet signed in, please find your invitation email and do so. Our clergy and administrative staff will thank you.
St. Christopher's Social Media

Are you on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest? We're there too. You can link to our social media accounts using the badges below. Following our social media posts can help raise awareness of our church. If you use Facebook, it is helpful to note that they changed their algorithms recently. To get higher search rankings, we now need to comment instead of just liking St. Christopher's posts. A few words will do.
Important Dates for Your Calendar

The  Save the Date page  of St. Christopher's website is updated weekly. Check this resource for new information. You also may want to review the insert in the Sunday bulletin, as it provides the schedule for the coming week. 

August 12, 11:30 a.m. | Service to Others (S2O) Meeting
September 3 | Church office closed in observance of Labor Day
September 9, 9:00 a.m. | Adult Forum: " Common Grounds"

Church summer office hours from June 1 to August 31
Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon
The deadline for announcements, news, and articles for  The Weekly News  is Monday Noon each week. Email announcements to the church office at with a copy to