Trinity Trumpet August , 2018
In this issue: Messages from Scott Peterson and Jen Holtz, A Message from Kent Organ, The Gleanings Project, dates for the Sunday School Meeting and the Ice Cream Social and Sunday Themes for August.
Work Schedule for our New Pastor

A key element of the Local Church Profile - the document describing Trinity and the characteristics we are seeking in our new pastor - is the work schedule we will expect of that individual. In recent weeks, the Church Council and Pastor Search Committee (PSC) have had multiple conversations about this issue: whether to seek a full-time pastor or an individual who would work a less-than-full-time schedule.

The trade-off is clear. A full-time schedule would provide our pastor more time to lead us in realizing our vision. At the same time, the compensation expectations for a full-time position would be greater than for a less-than-full-time role, and more than what we are paying Kent Organ today. Paying a person for a full-time commitment would put significant strain on our budget.

After careful deliberation, the Council and PSC have determined the appropriate direction is to seek a pastor who would work a three-fourths time schedule: roughly 30-35 hours per week. From discussions with Conference staff, we believe there are candidates who will be open to an arrangement of this nature and will bring energy and commitment to the role of pastor at Trinity.

Looking ahead, it is our hope that growth in membership will allow us to expand our level of staffing in the future. In the meantime, we believe that seeking a pastor who will work 30-35 hours per week is right for Trinity.

Scott Peterson
Update from the Pastor Search Committee (PSC)

The pastor search process is entering its next and final phase. Trinity's "Local Church Profile," the document that tells our story and introduces Trinity to potential pastoral candidates, is in its final draft. The Chicago Metropolitan Association (CMA) is certifying the profile as the PSC makes its final edits. A copy of this draft is available for congregation-wide reading in the Gathering Hall. We invite anyone who may be interested to read through this 30+ page profile and offer thoughts or feedback to any member of the PSC.
The profile is the result of four months of work on the part of the PSC. We met on a bi-weekly to weekly basis from April through June. As we began to delve into the profile, we found that deep, meaningful, prayerful discussions became the foundation for our answers. On two occasions, we engaged the entire congregation to ask for specific input and feedback. The first of these " conversations " asked for reflections on the qualities we are seeking in our new pastor. The second focused on the question of whether we are seeking a full or less-than-full time pastor.
Once finalized, the profile will be posted on the UCC website and Trinity will begin to receive pastoral profiles from potential candidates. The PSC will review these profiles and arrange interviews for the most promising candidates. We enter this final phase humbly, praying for God's grace and for the future of Trinity.
Your Pastor Search Committee is: Roger Dart, Jen Holtz, Todd Kerschke, Michael McDonnell, Carol Mellem, Kim Parpala, Scott Peterson, and Barbara Struthers.
Jen Holtz

Winding Down: Kent Organ's Interim Service will end on October 28

Dear friends,
Something that interim pastors learn through experience is when the transitional work is completed and it is time to move on. I believe that time has come for us. It is hard to let go. It is hard to say goodbye. But it is important we do so. Because a congregation's new beginning will not take place until after the interim pastor leaves. That's an Interim Ministry Principle. The church council and I have agreed that my last Sunday will be at the end of October. Oct. 28 is Trinity's Oktoberfest celebration, so this should make for a festive send-off.
You are ready. Consider some things that are different now, compared to two years ago:
  • Churchwide communication is improved; members are regularly updated, and more:
  • Leadership creates opportunities for everyone to participate in important discussions;
  • You have a year-round Sunday school, with teaching teams lined up for a whole year;
  • Adult education is a priority, with curriculum and teaching set for the fall and winter;
  • You wrote an aspiring and challenging Vision Statement that points the way ahead;
  • You have a new Constitution and Bylaws that the council is helping you to live into;
  • You are exploring interesting service projects, seeking to be more engaged in mission;
  • Members are doing much of Trinity's member care, as Dixie and Dallas can attest;
  • Things that once only the pastor knew how to do, members are now doing.
I expect you can add your own observations and involvements to this list.
You are ready. That doesn't mean we are happy about this ending. Juliet had it right: "Parting is... sweet sorrow." I am grateful that we have three months more together. Let's fill them full. Grace and peace,
                                                                    Kent Organ

The Gleanings Project

Our team of Jen, Lucy, Hannah and Susan are ready for our Gleanings clients to arrive.
We had almost 700 pounds of fresh produce ranging from parsley to eggplant.  The clients had a grand time picking what they needed.  Even with that, we were able to deliver several hundred pounds of corn, zucchini, radishes, and green beans to One Deerfield Place.

Back to School... Already?!?

We hope you are enjoying Summer, but it's time to prepare for Fall! All who are interested in Trinity's Sunday School and youth education are invited to stay after service on  August 26  to review plans for the 2018-2019 year.
See You There!

ice cream
Ice Cream Social
Our annual Ice Cream Social will take place on Sunday, September 9th from
2 - 4 PM.  Please join us for Chicago's best ice cream and all your favorite toppings.

Sunday Worship Themes during August

Aug. 5 - The Christian Life as Eucharist (Philippians 1:1-11)
Aug. 12 - No Easy Crossing (Genesis 32:22-31)
Aug. 19 - Just Do It! (James 1:20-27)
Aug. 26 - Choices (Joshua 24:1-2, 14-18; John 6:56-69)
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