TRUSD school board met for a regular board meeting at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read highlights from the meeting.

News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District

Oct. 8, 2019

Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
Grant & Foothill High School students read a resolution for Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month at the Oct. 8, 2019 board meeting.

1. Recognition - Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month by Board Adoption of Resolution No. 794

Twin Rivers Unified School District supports diversity and inclusion in education, and therefore, during the month of Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 designated as Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month, we are recognizing the many people of Hispanic/Latino descent who have made outstanding contributions to our nation. All Twin Rivers educational sites are encouraged to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans throughout the curriculum and activities at the schools. The Superintendent recommends approval of Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month and activities by Board adoption of Resolution No. 794. 

2. Present - CA School Dashboard & District Local Indicators

The purpose of this presentation was to update the Board of Trustees with an update of Twin Rivers Unified School District's 2019 CA Dashboard Local Indicators, as required, prior to Nov. 1, 2019. The State Board of Education (SBE) approved standards for the local indicators that support a local educational agency (LEA) in measuring and reporting progress within the appropriate priority area. The approved performance standards require LEA to:
  • Annually measure progress on the local performance indicator based on locally available data.
  • Report results at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board.
  • Report results to the public through the dashboard. 
This presentation addressed the performance on five local indicators that LEAs are required to report on.

3. Present - Twin Rivers Enrollment: Current, Historical and Projected

District Administration provided an update and presentation on the district's current enrollment (2019-2020), enrollment history (2012-2013 to 2018-2019) and future years' enrollment projections. 
4. Present - Student Mental Health Supports Presentation

The purpose of this presentation was to provide the Board with an overview of the mental health supports provided to students throughout the district. 

5. Present - Dual Language Immersion Program Update

The Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program is currently offered at Madison, Noralto and Harmon Johnson Elementary Schools. The purpose of this presentation was to update the Board of Trustees of the program's progress, including student enrollment, student performance on benchmark assessments, supports provided to DLI classroom teachers and next steps. 

6. Present - Expanded Learning (After School) Update

The purpose of this presentation was to provide an overview of the Expanded Learning opportunities for students and families for the 2019-20 school year. Twin Rivers' Expanded Learning opportunities are currently serving over 3,000 students at 34 school campuses across the district. These programs provide support for academic and enrichment opportunities for our students, including keyboarding and testing preparation, sports, music, arts, homework help, STEM projects and field trips. 

7. Approved - Personnel Recommendations

The Board of Trustees approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations and leaves.

Click the button to view the complete agenda from this Board Meeting.

Board of Trustees to meet again, unless otherwise announced:
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
6 p.m. Closed Session/6:30 p.m. Open Session
5115 Dudley Blvd., Building A, McClellan, CA 95652
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