Season's Greetings to you and yours
It goes without saying — 2020 has been a year of unique challenges.

As we move into the New Year, we wish you moments of peace amid the difficulties, connections with family and friends even if they can’t be in person, and glimpses of the joy that still lives under the surface.

Thank you for your deep commitment to community.

Thank you for your partnership.

And thank you for your continued support and patience as we learn new ways to deliver programming and stay connected as a region.

#inlandnwstrong is the federal resource website for U.S. small businesses affected by COVID-19. View relevant federal agency resources, access the latest news, and search for a Small Business Advisor near you.
Sponsored by SBDC and Women's Business Centers
Local, State & Federal Programs for Businesses
and Non-profits

This tailored resource continues to be updated with new relief programs. Share this opportunity with businesses and nonprofits who continue to mitigate economic challenges due to COVID-19.

INP is a proud sponsor of the InlandBizStrong project

The goals of STEP are to increase the number of small businesses that export, increase the value of exports, and increase the number of small businesses exploring new trade opportunities.

The application period closes December 18 at 3pm MST.

Participants must meet SBA eligibility requirements to participate.

Thrive! | Startup WA

The Thrive! program is ideally suited for second-stage companies who are ready to accelerate their operational and strategic focus for growth. Graduates of this type of program typically experience a 15% to 30% increase in revenue. 
To learn more visit the Thrive! page on the Washington Commerce website. or contact Commerce’s eastern Washington Small Business Services Manager Susan Joseph Nielsen.
Amazon Small Business Academy - Winter 2021
North Idaho College, along with Tinderbox Marketing, have once again partnered with the Amazon Small Business Academy program to bring you a three week online course which will cover the fundamentals of online business strategies, marketing, merchandising, inventory management, and more. See more details here.
Inland Northwest Partner Investors
INP would like to thank these progressive companies for their commitment to economic development throughout the region:

Stay tuned as we look toward 2021...