Parshas Devarim
Shabbos Chazon
Erev Tisha B'av
July 20-21, 2018
Shalom and hello everyone! I hope you are doing well.

This shabbos is erev tisha b’av and “shabbos chazon,” named after the opening words of the weekly haftorah.

After much hard work, I am pleased to share with the Ohav Sholom community an important guide I penned to explain the many laws and customs surrounding tisha b’av.

Please read and PRINT this TISHA B’AV HALACHIC PRIMER and keep it handy throughout shabbos and tisha b’av for quick and regular reference!

This week’s super gala hot kiddush is sponsored by member Lori Yoffe in memory of her late father’s yahrtzeit – Menachem Mendel ben Mordechai . Thank you Lori and may his neshama enjoy a big aliyah in gan eden! Amen.

Join me this week in shul for a special shabbos program which includes erev tisha b’av, motzei shabbos and Sunday tisha b’av services. As usual, we will have unique learning, drashos and video presentations throughout the day. Please look to your email for the official flyer with more details.
I am pleased to announce that Yossi Shein recently underwent a heart operation and is doing extremely well! 

Thank G-d the operation was a success and he’s recuperating nicely in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. 

Did you know that on Sunday alone between the hours of two and nine alone over eighteen members of Ohav Shalom visited Yossi in the hospital?!

Here’s davening that Yosef Reuven ben Freida enjoys a refuah shlaimah gemurah! Amen. 
A hearty Mazel Tov to our dear children Yoel and Ahuva Shapiro upon the bris and baby naming of our new grandson, Avigdor

May he be a source of endless nachas and bring great joy to his parents, grandparents, and the entire Jewish nation. Amen!
We are excited to welcome on tisha b’av before mincha, the legendary Jewish hero, Michael Taylor , who will address the shul and tell the story of his miraculous experiences during the Holocaust and beyond.

Michael escaped a French concentration camp, joined the French resistance, fought with the Allied Forces on D-Day and liberated many French towns, and then joined and fought with the Israeli Army in the War of Independence.

Meet and hear the incredible story of this remarkable Jewish Hero.

Have a wonderful shabbos,

I’ll see you in shul!

Rabbi Aaron D. Mehlman
Erev shabbos chazon/devarim 5778
Shabbos TimeTable
Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Devarim
Friday, July 20, 2018
Mincha/Kabbalos Shabbos 6:45 PM
Early Candle lighting 6:51 PM
Candle lighting 8:04 PM

Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Devarim
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Shachris 9:00 AM
Mincha 6:00 PM
return home for seudas shlishis/hamafsekes
Fast Begins 8:21
Maariv / Shabbos ends 9:10 PM
Kinos & Eicha Reading 9:30 AM
Progamming for Tisha B'av
Ohav Sholom | (212) 877-5850 | [email protected] |