Summer Youth Formation: Summer Lunch Program
This summer, in lieu of regular youth formation, youth will participate in the Summer Lunch Program at St. Christopher's. After church, youth are encouraged to help pack lunches for area children in need in the Parish Hall. This is a great way to serve as well as get to know others in the parish community.

Youth are also invited to help provide snacks that will be chosen by the guests. Bring a favorite snack such as pretzels, popcorn, fruit snacks, or crackers in bulk and leave in the youth lounge.

Finally, there is an opportunity for a limited number of youth each week to stay and help guests shop. If you are interested in seeing the whole process through and assisting our guests, please contact Jenna to set up a date to help.
Youth Service Opportunities Around St. Christopher's
Vacation Bible School Assistants
St. Christopher's annual Vacation Bible School will be held July 16-19 from 6:30-8:00 PM. St. Christopher's Youth have the opportunity to assist with activities and serve as role models to the young participants. If you sign up for a day, please be sure to arrive by 6:15 to help or let Jenna know if you won't be able to make it. On Wednesday, youth will have pizza at 5:30 before working in the St. Christopher's Crops Garden. The Vacation Bible School children will come and help in the garden for part of the evening as well.
St. Christopher's Crops Garden
On Wednesday, July 18th we will meet for pizza at 5:30 PM before working in the crops garden at 6:00 PM. We will be weeding and harvesting and will even play some games if there is time and energy to spare!
Young at Heart Luncheon
Join us as the St. Christopher's Youth prepare and serve lunch for the monthly Young at Heart Luncheon held on July 25th, 2018. We will make a simple dish together and then stay to get to know attendees of the luncheon. Time and details to follow. Please save the date!
Summer Fellowship Activities
As vacations, camps, and other summer schedules pull us in different directions, summer is also a great time to get together as a group for fun and fellowship! Do you have a great idea for a fun event or activity for the youth to partake in this summer? Let Jenna know and we'll try to make it happen!
Finally, have you met Jenna?
Jenna Parker, the new Youth Leader at St. Christopher's, is here and wants to meet YOU! Please pull her aside when you see her to introduce yourself! You can also reach her at or by phone at 317-975-1772.