Parish Notices for January 8, 2021
Committee Spotlight - Buildings & Grounds
Submitted by Sara Cushing, Vestry Liaison for Buildings & Grounds

With profound gratitude to all Epiphany members involved in Buildings & Grounds

On our own feast day, the Feast of the Epiphany, I can’t imagine a more appropriate group to thank than the Buildings & Grounds Committee. The ten-month exile from our sanctuary has awakened many of us to the importance of physical space for our worship experience and community building, and to the tremendous effort it takes to maintain our campus.

I don’t think the Magi had an organizational chart, bylaws, or regular monthly meetings. They simply showed up when they saw the star, and offered their gifts to the Christ child. In the same way, the stalwart parishioners who form the core of B&G see what needs to be done, and do it, week after week. They offer their gifts of time, expertise, and muscle to tending to the HVAC, the lights, the playground, the parking lot, and the green space. When a tree falls on the property, they show up to arrange for its removal. When the ivy starts growing, they bring sheep to feed on invasive plants. They water and weed, blow leaves so we can have outdoor church, and draws the vestry’s attention to anything around the church that has fallen into disrepair or needs to be replaced.
Just a couple of months ago, Epiphany lost one of B&G’s brightest stars and wisest men, Tom Hairston, who had served for the past several years with great enthusiasm and energy as chair of B&G. Our own shepherd, John Wierwille, speaks for all of us eloquently with these words about Tom: “Tom gave so much to our community. I see him in this patch and that repair. I see him in the edging along sidewalks. His memory is fresh when the water pours down our roofs and into places that will carry it away safely. And in a few places where greens were cut back hard and in others where he just thought about doing it.”
We offer prayers of thanksgiving for Tom’s work, and we will soon be notifying the parish of ways to honor his memory. We also are deeply indebted to John Yntema, who has long been involved with B&G and has stepped in to help out with some of the more mundane aspects of B&G, such as writing monthly committee reports, which is more than even the Magi had to do! John has been faithful in countless ways, including regularly watering the new plantings along the East Lake bank. These plantings were done in consultation with our native plants group, led by Pam Hall. John is also working with Paul Robertson to retrofit many of our indoor lights to use energy-efficient LEDs, through a grant from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light.

John Wierwille, in addition to providing the sheep that eat our invasives while delighting our children and the surrounding community, has been at the forefront of overseeing the rebuilding of the playground after a large tree fell, damaging the play structure and the fence. Tom Felcher has lent his time and expertise to the care of our grounds, and Bob Ballou has given countless hours over the years to the care and repair of our building. Finally, no list of B&G stars would be complete without mentioning Bill Graves, whose woodworking and carpentry skills have beautified our church for decades.

There are many other wise men, and wise women, whose commitment to Epiphany is demonstrated through their contributions to B&G, whether by showing up for workdays or contributing their time and expertise to the multitude of smaller projects around the church that you might not notice. Like the Magi who saw the star and made the journey to Bethlehem, these parishioners have given their gifts freely and generously, and we are profoundly grateful.
Worship Services
Online Worship
Sunday Worship @ 9:00 a.m.
Login at 8:50 a.m. to greet one another. Remain online afterwards for Small Groups Virtual Coffee Hour. Formation classes start at 10:15 a.m. (Class info listed below.)
Dial 646.558.8656
Meeting ID is 532 385 90
Weekday Morning Prayer @ 9:00 a.m.
Login around 8:45 a.m. for Virtual Coffee Hour. The Zoom Login is a private link. Email the parish office to receive the link and meeting ID.

Wednesday Noonday Prayer @ 12:30 p.m.
Login around 12:20 p.m. to greet on another. The Zoom Login is a private link. Email the parish office to receive the link and meeting ID.
Links can also be found on the worship services page of our our website. A Zoom account is not needed.

Sermons from Sunday are uploaded Monday afternoons to and archived for a year.
Outdoor Worship Opportunities
Registration Required. COVID guidelines listed on the signup.
Sunday Morning Worship @11:30 a.m.

Wi-Fi outside is spotty, so print the bulletin at home and bring it with you.

In the event of inclement weather or if temperatures fall below 45° we will cancel the outdoor service by way of email prior to the 9 a.m. online service. Check your email on the day of the service if the weather is uncertain.lick here to RSVP for services and signups
Online Formation
Adult Formation
Stories of God's Calling - Sundays at 10:15 a.m, starting January 10.
How does the self-revelation of God occur? And, how do we know we have encountered it? Join Evan Bassett, members of the clergy, and other Epiphanites as we explore stories of God's call in scripture and in our own lives. We'll spend the season of Epiphany talking about these stories, their meanings, and how they inform our shared vocation as the people of God in these times.
Meeting ID: 532 38 5901
Classes are posted to our YouTube channel.
Formation for Families Sundays at 10:15 a.m, starting January 17.
We will be discussing This Book is Anti-Racist, by Tiffany Jewell. The book examines the concepts of social identity, race, ethnicity, and racism. It is written for everyone, from young people to families and teachers. We will focus on how to raise anti-racist children as we work on deepening our own racial awareness and building a community that truly honors everyone. We'll begin with Section 1, pp 6-45 on next Sunday. 

Meeting ID: 851 6230 2412
Children's Formation
Children's Sunday Morning Formation will meet at 10 a.m. for Godly Play; all ages are invited. It is a time for our children to connect with one another, hear a story, wonder, pray, and sing.

Meeting ID: 890 5875 0509
Youth Formation

Youth Formation for the beginning of the Spring Semester will take place during our in-person Evening Prayer gatherings. There will be time for a group check-in, as well as time to discuss the week's devotional material. Sign Up Here.

  • Weekly devotionals will now be sent separately from the weekly update.
  • Newsletters will continue to be sent on Mondays, while devotionals will be sent on Saturday.

Meeting ID: 890 5875 0509
Online Gatherings
Youth Group Meetings
In Person: Our next in-person youth group is this Sunday, January 10. We will gather at the parish for games, Evening Prayer, and a brief time for formation. The event will be held outside, masks are required. Sign Up Here

Online: Our next virtual youth group will be January 17.

Meeting ID: 532 38 5901
Epiphany Book Group
The Epiphany Book Group meets 1st Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Email John Yntema for the login.

  • February: The Library Book by Susan Orlean
  • March: Plainsong by Kent Haruf 
  • April: Pale Horse Pale Rider: Three Short Novels by Katherine Anne Porter
Grief Pastoral Care Group
The Grief Pastoral Care Group meets 1st Thursdays at noon via Zoom for a healing and faith based conversation around grief and loss. Led by parishioners Megan Fraijo-Paul and Nancy Thompson, both trained psychotherapists. Email either Megan or Nancy to join the group.
Flex & Stretch and Chair Yoga
The Flex & Stretch classwhich is the basic SilverSneakers classmeets on Zoom on Fridays and the Chair Yoga program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All at 11 a.m. Email Ellen Mintzmeyer for the login.
Parish Notices
A Thank You from Emmaus House
Dear Epiphany members,

Christmas has always been a special time at Emmaus House. Every year for the past five decades, parishes, friends and organizations have donated gifts for children in Peoplestown. In 2020, because of the pandemic, Emmaus House was only able to safely accept and distribute donations of gift cards for families in the community. Although fewer churches donated to Emmaus House in December, the parishes that did participate gave abundantly. Epiphany was one of those churches. Thank you! Because of the generosity of donors, we were able to provide parents and grandparents of 780 neighborhood children with balls, stuffed animals, and gift cards to purchase their own Christmas presents this year. 780! That was a record number of Emmaus House children whose holiday was made brighter because of you.

God calls each of us to participate in the transformation of our world. Thank you for sharing your blessings with others. We are so very grateful for your support.

Ann Fowler
Emmaus House Director of Education Services
Pledge Update

As of today, 141 households have made a pledge for 2021 for a total of $497,620.92. Please click on the button below to add your pledge and help us meet our goal for the 2021 calendar year.
Sign up for Realm
If you haven’t created a login yet to the new online church database, the Invitation Email link you were sent has since expired.
But there are multiple ways to create your login:

Help Needed
I’m trying to furnish an apartment for a physically disabled woman and her mentally disabled son. They were homeless so they have no furniture. They still need a small table with 2 chairs and either a twin sized bed or full-sized - with mattress. And a small dresser. And blankets! If anyone wants to donate any pf these items, I can pick up them up. Please text or email me. Mary Ann Schneider, 470.445.8579.
Give in Honor of Memory of Someone
The Altar Arrangements and the Sanctuary Light can be given as a memorial, thanksgiving or special occasion.
The Altar Arrangements are used for both the online and outdoor worship services. You may request a particular flower or color be used.

The Sanctuary Light is a visible sign of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament held in reserve in the Tabernacle and burns for seven days.

To be listed in the Sunday bulletin, sign up here by noon on Wednesdays.
Partnership Opportunity with Parish in Ghana
The Diocese of Atlanta is blessed by a growing and deepening relationship with the Diocese of Cape Coast. We are inspired by the faith and leadership of clergy and congregations in Ghana. We are blessed to discover how much we share as Anglicans. We are grieved by the legacy of slavery. In encountering its origins, we are challenged and empowered to work for racial healing and justice. This is a powerful partnership and a testimony to the reconciling mission of God.

The Global Mission Commission invites interested churches in the Diocese of Atlanta to become "parish partners" with a congregation in Cape Coast during 2021. Partner congregations will commit to praying for one another for a year. They will communicate about how to be in prayer for one another. If possible, they will find ways to pray with one another online. We trust that through prayer, other avenues for shared ministry will emerge.

Each church in the Diocese of Atlanta that elects to enter into a parish partnership will be asked to identify a partnership coordinator for the congregation who will manage communication. Partnership coordinators will meet together three times in 2021 via Zoom to discuss the relationships and what we are learning together. Monetary donations to Ghanaian churches are not expected from parish partners, although parishes will be invited to share in gifts from the Diocese of Atlanta to the Diocese of Cape Coast.

To begin the process of establishing these relationships, the Global Mission Commission is offering two informational Zoom meetings in January: Saturday, January 9 at 10 a.m. and Wednesday, January 13 at 1 p.m.

Interested parishes should have a lay and clergy representative attend one of the sessions, though not necessarily the same one. By attending, you are not promising to establish a partnership.

If you would like to learn more about how Epiphany might partner with a church in Ghana, please email Ann Fowler for a link to the meeting(s).
Racial Justice January Meeting
The Racial Justice Group will meet on Tuesday, January 12 from 5 – 6 p.m., continuing the second Tuesday of each month. We invite you to join us in whatever ways you feel called to participate; all are welcome! Please let Erin Braden or Kay Lee know if you are planning to attend.
Join the Racial Justice Book Club
As part of racial justice work, Epiphany is forming a book club to:
  • educate and inform ourselves on the history of racial injustice
  • better understand the challenges of changing racial inequities and seeking racial justice, and
  • work toward pragmatic and effective ways to be better antiracist advocates.
The book group will meet on the last Wednesday of every month, starting on January 27, 2021. The meetings will last 75 minutes beginning at 6:45 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m. Until we can safely meet physically, we will meet via Zoom. A link will be sent in advance of each meeting and participants will need to sign up with Lisa Daily to receive the link.
Lisa and Kay Lee will lead the discussions for the first month or so. After, other participants will take a turn selecting the book and leading the discussion.
To get started, we will read:
January - White Rage, by Carol Anderson
February, March, April - Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson
If you are interested in participating, please email Lisa Daily Please consider ordering your books from Black owned, local bookstores which you can find through an Internet search of “black owned bookstore Atlanta.”
Please contact Lisa Daily or Kay Lee if you have any questions.
Required Trainings for Staff & Lay Leadership
If you are not sure of your training status, contact the parish office.
Dismantling Racism is offered by the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, and runs from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Click here for dates and to register.

Safeguarding Training: The New Inclusion Module OR the Healthy Boundaries and Preventing Abuse Module via Zoom is required for people who need re-certification for either Safeguarding God's Children or Safeguarding God's People as well as people who have never had either training. Click here for dates and to register.
Church Building Remains Closed

The staff continues to work mostly from home. They check their email and voicemail messages regularly.

Pastoral Emergencies: Please call the church at 404.373.8338 and leave a message for Amy (ext. 14) or Nicole (16). They will receive a message alert and call you back.

Building Sign-In Required: The building is closed to in-person worship and meetings, however, if you need to enter the church building for any reason, please sign in and out using the logbook at the entrance.
Parish Notices
  • Names of our friends and family remain on the list for four weeks.
  • The Anniversary & Birthday List for the month can be found here.
  • Send prayer requests to the parish office.
For members who are bidding our prayers: Rob Ashmore, Sally Brockington, Lily Burnett, Sam Burnett, Kyle D'Mellow, Arlen Gray, Jeanne Hatcher, Jim Hoesterey, Henry Laird, Sandy Land, Pat Spivey,Tom Mundy, Terry-Lee Ross, Ann Rowles, Stephanie Thompson

For friends and family: Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers; Betty Porter, relative of Christen Erskine; Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton; Laura Salsich, niece of Laura Keys; Carolyn, friend of Holly Slater, Greg Akers, nephew of Pat Graves; Maggie & David, friends of Nancy Thompson; Rosalind Blair; Kim, friend of Barbara Belcore; J and Tobias Mintzmyer, nephews of Ellen MIntzmeyer; Millie, Kyung and Joslyn, friends of Ellen Mintzmeyer

For those who have died: Dr. Charles A. Isbell, uncle of Amy Shipp; Samuel Frazier, cousin of Larry Wilcox; Daphne McCord, aunt of Pam Tipton

For those celebrating birthdays for the week of 1/10-16: Eliza Gainty, Beverly Lorenzo, Elena Braswell, Davis Becker, Campany McCullar, Jackie Tate, Brendon Rickell, Ian Rickell, Leah Felcher, Olivia Simian, Joanne Deocampo, Chris Miller

For members who desire our continuing prayers: Arlen Gray, Ron Hutcheson, Rod MacLeod, Chris Miller, Tom Mundy, June Sparks
The weekly parish notices are published Friday mornings at 7 a.m.
The submission deadline is Wednesdays at 5 p.m.