News from St. James' Episcopal Church
Sunday, January 3, 2021
To Resolve or Not To Resolve?
A reflection by parishioner Carolyn Briles
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! It’s time to wave goodbye to 2020, a year that may have come from Beelzebub himself, and to welcome 2021. And with the new year always comes the question of resolutions. To resolve, or not to resolve?

One of my colleagues at work is a die-hard resolution fan. She even writes them down and tapes them to her bathroom mirror to remind herself of them every day. But another colleague is not so sure. She makes the same resolutions each year, but no matter what, she falls short. So to her, why bother?

I wonder - what does God think about New Year’s resolutions. To the power that created time itself, what is a new year? If you are the Alpha and the Omega, what does that even mean? If we see a new year as our opportunity to commit to the good, to decide to be better, to refocus our energy on improving the world, then to God, every day is a new year. And if we lose our focus, why wait until January to regain it? Do it now.

God has given us our resolutions. We say them at every Baptism, that sacrament that is itself a resolution. They are:
  • I will continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
  • I will persevere in resisting evil, and whenever I fall into sin, I will repent and return to the Lord.
  • I will proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
  • I will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving my neighbor as myself.
  • I will strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.

These are our resolutions. God wants us to make the same ones each year. He wants us to put them on our bathroom mirror, to remind ourselves of them every day. And he already knows - every year we will fall short. For that, he sent his Son to embody grace, forgiveness, and love. He sent his Son so that we will keep on trying, so that every year we will bother.

So, to resolve or not to resolve? God says do it! Happy New Year!
Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas!
The season is not over! Here are great ways to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas with St. James':

Join us for Worship this Sunday
Welcome our Guest Preacher
and Celebrant
The Reverend Deborah Rutter
Ordained in 1983, Debbie began her ministry as Chaplain at St. Margaret’s School in Tappahannock and since then has served churches in the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and the Northern Shenandoah Valley of the Diocese of Virginia. Debbie retired from full-time ministry in 2017 as Rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in Front Royal. In retirement she continues to enjoy her ministry as a Spiritual Director and serving as a supply priest in churches around our diocese.
Join us as we "go live" on Facebook
at 10 a.m.

to see our worship services.

New Year's: Time for virtual Sunday School
Join us before church on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
For Grades K-5

Storymakers is a self-guided church school curriculum that we're using this year. It's a wonderful interactive program that invites children to respond to the stories of scripture through art, journaling, and drama. Check out Storymakers’ website.

If you would like to have a Storymakers kit delivered, email Kay Gregg or call the church office at 703-777-1124, and we’ll be sure to get you one. 
January Monthly Mission Partner:
Virginia Theological Seminary
During January, we are praying for, learning about, and financially supporting Virginia Theological Seminary, the flagship seminary of the Episcopal Church.

It was founded in 1823 to educate men for the ministry of Christ's church. Today, VTS prepares men and women from around the world for both ordained and lay service in the Church. Students from every Episcopal province in the United States and from many other countries have found their way to VTS in Alexandria to be shaped by the discipline of worship in an environment committed to learning so that they can serve Christ effectively.

St. James’ has benefited from clergy members and lay leaders prepared by VTS – and VTS will continue to play a vital role in preparing our future clergy members and lay leadership. Learn more about VTS.

We invite you, if you are able, to support VTS as our Monthly Mission Partner! Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.
In need of prayer? In need of care?
"In case of illness, the minister of the congregation is to be notified."
The Book of Common Prayer, p. 453

Please let us know when you are in need of prayer and care.

Whom should you call?
The Rev. Earl Mullins
Emergency Number:

The Church Office
When should you call?
  • When you become seriously ill, are dealing with a newly diagnosed disease or condition, or are hospitalized for treatment, surgery, or rehabilitation.
  • When you are experiencing a spiritual, physical, emotional or financial crisis.
  • When you become concerned for the person who usually shares the pew with you because he or she has not been in church for a while.
  • When you experience one of life's many transitions: a birth, a death, a job loss/change, a move, an empty nest, retirement, etc.
  • When you need prayer and care, but don't want to "bother" anyone with your troubles -- please contact us anyway; you will not be "bothering" us!
Keeping Close in Prayer
For those requesting our prayers this week: Dennis Brogan, Jeff Brannock, Brianne Bailey and Family, the Lamberty Family, Alice Lynn, Mary Paul, Inez Peebles, Caroline Ennis, the Lynch Family, the Page family, John Marsh, and the Riley family, Mary Bracken, Jennifer Griffith, Tim MacNamara; For other persons: Bryce Eckman, the Yusi, Hyman, and Moseley families, the Kevin and Margaret Sullivan Family, Heidi, Peter Schweitzer, Ann Stribling, Orma Call, Chris DeWaard, Jay Watkins, Mark and Meghan Roomsfa, Lori Turner, Charlotte, Christian Cutillo, Ruth Guerra, Miline Hughes, Erin Stanton, Barbara Rose, Nancy Hylton, Bridget Steel, Matthew Britto, Dewey, those who are unemployed or underemployed; and those serving in the armed forces at home and abroad. 
Vestry, Clergy and Staff
St. James’ Vestry
Carolyn Briles
Katherine Bucklin
Chris Cuellar
Andy Durot
Jim Ferry
Tom Horne
Karen Knobloch
Mary Lou Leipheimer
Steve Mayo
Wayne Newell
Rebecca Page
Terry Prevost, Junior Warden
Jane Roth, Secretary
Fred Williams, Senior Warden
Maddie Reece, Youth Representative

John Forcier
 St. James’ Clergy and Staff
Interim Rector

Dr. Steven Cooksey
Director of Music/Organist

Walter Litzenberger
Assistant Choir Director/Organist

Parish Administrator and Registrar

Janet Stayrook
Preschool Director

Adan Cortez
Lead Sexton

Francisco Ramos
Stay in touch