GLC - - - Connects!
January 7, 2021
Real questions from real people to learn more about GLC
From a confirmation student: If God wants us to celebrate Christmas and Jesus' life, why did he send a pandemic that keeps us from getting together? Did God send a pandemic or is this whole thing caused by the way that human beings interact with the world and with each other? This should make us think always about how we care for each other and how we gather all the time. God wants us to care deeply for each other when we can't be together physically.
Pastor Trudy's Message
You brood of vipers! John the Baptist sure knew how to bring in the crowds, didn't he? Actually, he did. The crowds were not turned off by his harsh words...and we shouldn't be either. Because this is a much better starting place than pretending that we have it all together. So, fellow vipers, once we get real about this, we can find ways to grow toward the future God has for us. 

Good and gracious God, help us to let go of the things we think give us value to see that in baptism, you have named us worthy because we are yours. In Jesus' name, Amen.
January 10 worship:
Worship Materials: Worship Folder & God's Story, Our Story
Children's Bulletins: Ages 3+ & Ages 7+
Miss Christy is pre-recording Sunday School lessons for the kids in your life to watch on YouTube! Kids can sing along with the music, listen to a Bible story, and do a craft. The Sunday lesson will be made available on the weekends, but watch whenever and wherever works for you and your child!
Photo Challenge - It's the Simple Things
Taking a walk through the snow, doing a jigsaw puzzle, driving around to look at holiday's the simple things that we've come to appreciate during this time of uncertainty. How about you? What simple thing are you grateful for today? We'd love to see it! Please send photos to Margo by Thursday, January 14. Thank you!
Photo Credit -The Slifka family
We have a NEW website!
The launch of our new GLC website coincided with the start of the new year. How about that for timing! We hope you'll find the site easy to navigate, inviting to visitors, and reflective of the #generouslifeinChrist community that is GLC. Please visit to check it out!
An Epiphany fast
We will join our first communicants in preparing for a special celebration of communion on or around Transfiguration Sunday, February 14 (since we are still not able to gather large groups— it will look different!). In preparation, we will fast from communion between now and then, focusing on the promises of the sacrament of baptism, the water and Word that gives us a tangible sign of God's love for us and how we live out of those promises in our lives. The light of Christ shines through all of us!   
First Communion classes start this weekend!
First Communion classes are for any students 3rd grade and older who have not yet received communion or participated in First Communion instruction. It's a series of 4 classes, and this year they will be offered via Zoom during the weeks of January 10-31 with two choices of times: Sunday mornings at 10:30 or Wednesday evenings at 6:30.

The Rite of First Communion will take place between February 7-14, and more details will be communicated when we know what restrictions are in place at that time. Please email Christy Heins if you would like more information or if you have any questions.
Weekly Bible Study on ZOOM
Thursday, January 14 @ 9:30 am
We'll be starting a new discussion on the Gospel of Luke. All are welcome! Contact Pastor Trudy or Vicar Amber for more information.
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Wednesday, January 20 @ 9 am
Vicar Amber and Pastor Trudy will dive into some of the central topics of our faith. Scholar or beginner, come for conversation, learning and usually some laughter. All on Zoom
Thursdays at 7 PM.
Thursdays at 7:00 pm

January 7 - TONIGHT!
  • What is baptism and what does it matter that I'm baptized?
January 14
  • What does it mean to be a disciple- and who has time for it?
January 21
  • Who is Jesus...really?
January 28
  • What does it mean to have 'sabbath'- and who has time for it?
February 4
  • What have we learned about being a 'virtual' body of Christ?
February 11
  • Fasting for Lent- why does it matter and who has time for it?
We Lift up in Prayer
Please email Amy Steenson or call (630) 232-0165 if you would like to add a name to the prayer list. Submitted names will remain on the prayer list for two weeks.
  • Scott Hauge, son of Alan and Louise Hauge
  • Barbara Noble
  • For people who are separated from family
  • All those with COVID-19
  • Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals
  • Front line workers
  • Teachers, students, and families
  • Pastors
  • Prayers of gratitude for what we do have
GLC Prayer Chain
This is a confidential telephone network ministry that intercedes on behalf of those in need by lifting up specific requests, concerns, and emergency situations. To request prayer, please call Sally Harmon (630) 377-0021.
Notes from the GLC community
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to continue our meetings through COVID. Lives have been transformed because of your generosity to us. God is good.
From, 6:45 am AA Meeting
Merry Christmas - We saw the lovely signs made by your church while visiting Geneva last weekend. We stopped by and although the church was closed, were thrilled to grab one to bring home. Please accept our donation and thanks for this terrific idea and message that we are proudly displaying in Park Ridge. Sincerely, Kathryn & Drew
GLC Life in Pictures
We welcome Sutton Cochran, daughter of Kevin and Schyler Cochran who joined us through the waters of baptism on December 23.
Winter wonderland! Leif Abrahamson and his dad, Matt, out for a day of fun in the snow with a sled ride. #joyisnotcancelled
Thanks to all who sent Christmas wishes by mail and online! Staff has so enjoyed receiving your cards and seeing your smiling faces! #loveisnotcancelled
Send your pictures of how you are living your #generouslifeinChrist to Margo. Thank you!