This Sunday’s Gospel • John 14:15-21
Jesus said, ”If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever...[ continue reading ]. Lectionary scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible. Note: We will continue with virtual worship this Sunday, May 17.
Worship Services
Did you miss a worship service? You can catch up online .  If you need to contact any member of the church staff or clergy, you can call or email .
Pastoral Care, Pastoral Counseling, and Mental Healthcare
We are in the process of developing some resources for the congregation around issues like grief, depression, and anxiety, which will soon be available on our website. If you are struggling with your mental, emotional or spiritual well-being, both Bill and Kim are here for you and happy to support you in the way that is most appropriate. Clergy are not trained therapists or counselors but we can lend an ear and make professional recommendations where they are appropriate. You are not alone.
This Week from Children, Youth, and Family Ministries: Book Fair Begins and Today (5/13) kicks off our virtual book fair with Good News! Books.
Good News! Books offers a variety of fun and faith-filled books for all ages (even parents) and when you order anything from them not only do orders over $25 ship free but any order of any amount support GHTC. Don’t forget that kids and youth are also invited to contribute to worship each week by sending a video of them asking a question, lighting candles, or reading the Old/New Testament readings for Sunday to Aaron Davis .
Psalm 23 and other Choices
Over the past two weeks, Psalm 23 was present in worship in a variety of places: Mother Kim’s recent sermon , and Chase Peak’s solo on May 10. This psalm is often affiliated with funerals. If you are interested in having a conversation about your funeral plans, you can reach out to a member of the clergy. You can also look over the materials on our website here at your leisure. It is helpful if we know what you like, what you expect, and what you don’t expect for your funeral by having your wishes recorded and on file with the church. Don’t assume that your family will know your favorite hymn or that you don’t want “that” reading. Questions? Contact the clergy .
Music Channel Update
We just updated the GHTC YouTube Music Channel . It includes Mozart’s “Coronation Mass” with chamber ensemble, choir music from Lessons and Carols, Celebration of Unity concerts, other recorded choir anthems, and organ pieces. 
Prayer Project for Members of Our Parish Family
During this time, everybody seems to be longing for greater connection. One way we can accomplish this is by making a special point of praying for a fellow member of the GHTC parish family. Between Memorial Day on May 25th and Trinity Sunday on June 7th you would be assigned a parishioner to keep in your daily prayers. If you would welcome the prayers of a parish member let us know. By submitting your name you will receive the name of a person to pray for AND your name can be given to another member of the prayer project. Contact Nancy Trego by May 20 to add your name to the participants’ list ( or call 804-306-9204).
Good Luck Peyton!
If you’d like to reach out to Peyton Pawson as he prepares to join the Marine Corps, please contact him via his cell phone at 804-774-6808. Words of encouragement greatly appreciated as he prepares to go to basic training on May 18. Please keep Peyton and his family in your prayers. 
How are YOU adapting?
Stay-at-home orders have impacted our busy lives. What cool things are happening in your community? We’re collecting video clips to help spread positivity during the pandemic.

Watch this week’s video of Suzanne Williams as she explains what she’s been doing at home in the last few weeks. Contact Barb Dodd to submit a video.
Mom Makes Masks for Youth; One Donated for Every Purchase
Local interior designer and GHTC parishioner Mary Williams has partnered with a local seamstress to make masks. For every mask purchased, one will be donated to someone on the front lines, including health care workers, fighting COVID-19.
Made from donated fabric, these masks include ages 2-4, ages 4-7, ages 7-12, teen/women and men’s sizes. Please email Mary or call her at 804.310.7382 to place an order. The masks are ready now for contact-free pickup. Thank you, Mary, for finding a way to serve and help the most vulnerable in our community!
Participating in Online Worship - And a Special Opportunity for Pentecost
You can light candles, carry a cross, submit flower photos, or maybe even become a reader. Interested? Also, for Pentecost Sunday, May 31, we will try to relive the experience of the disciples as they heard each other witnessing in other languages. Record an audio or video of you saying this phrase "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages" (Acts 2:4) in a foreign language or in sign language. Send your photo, audio, or video files to  Shelby Scattergood , or contact her to learn more.
Zoom Hosts Needed
Do you want to connect with your parish family through the free online meeting platform Zoom? The church has an account and we are seeking volunteers to lead some regularly scheduled Zoom sessions, including virtual Sunday morning breakfast/coffee hour. Helping each other stay connected through video platforms requires a smart phone, tablet, or computer, and a willingness to train those who are less tech savvy. Interested? Contact  Thomas Ewers  or  Barb Dodd
Zoom Coffee Hour on Pentecost Sunday
Join us on Sunday, May 31 for a Zoom coffee hour. Details as to the time and login instructions will be forthcoming.
Red Door Roadside Continues
During recent restrictions and recommendations on social distancing, our Red Door Ministry has evolved. Thanks to a minimal number of volunteers (to keep our gatherings small) each Friday we serve meals to go at stations outside the church. Volunteers can help prepare sandwiches from 10am-noon OR hand out bagged lunches from noon-2pm on Fridays. On Saturdays, our sexton Roland Boone has been handing out any left over lunches to neighbors who need breakfast. Interested in helping either Friday or Saturday? Contact  Mother Kim  who can keep you in the loop about how you can help before, during or after our Friday feeding ministry.