July, 2018
President's Message - A rich history of support
Thank you to our Board Chair Award Winners

President's Message - Thank you to our Board Chair Award Winners
Say Hello Campaign
The Say Hello Campaign has returned!  Check out the new commercials that are currently airing on WBAY-TV2.    Click here

How will you strike up a conversation?

Dousman Summer Picnic
Thank you to the Green Bay Bullfrogs for joining us for the Dousman Summer Picnic.  Along with a friendly game of softball, they took their turn in the dunk tank!  For these and other picnic photos, visit our Facebook page.
At ASPIRO, we take advantage of every sweet summertime moment.  We post activity photos several times a week on our Facebook  page.  Don't miss out seeing what we are up to!
ASPIRO serves 32,000 meals a year; on average 132 meals a day.  It costs ASPIRO $6.80 per meal to fund the program, while charging clients only $4 per meal.  Can you help us bridge the gap and keep a nutritious, low cost meal available for our clients?
Your gift today is greatly appreciated!  Give here.

Thank you.
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Scrip Deadlines
July 27
August 10
August 24

Click here for an order form.
What is scrip?  Learn more.
Brewers Game
August 22

Stiles Summer Picnic
August 28